Thursday, February 11, 2010


Ed and I are hardly functioning right now, we are simply exhausted, at the end of our rope. Ed has been working 12 hour shifts all week at a very physically demanding job and not able to help out at home, I on the other hand have been taking care of 7 kids by myself and Tobey is having a rough week. We even had to cancel all our Friday appointments because we are getting so overwhelmed. I know how blessed we are for the overtime, but on a regular week we are tired and the boys are not liking that their Dad is not home when he should be, he's the fun one!

Ed has to work on Saturday so when he gets done we are going to take the kids to build a bear for their Valentine's present. One of the great things about having a large family is we are considered a party, so we will get our own assistant, NICE!

On Sunday after Church, Ed will shovel snow for people around the church and then we are going to deliver cookies and visit family. That is all for today, I am not typing very well from lack of sleep! Will post more tomorrow!

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