Sunday, February 21, 2010

He was mine all weekend!

As usual we had a busy weekend, I remember hearing people say how they were so busy, I am now in that boat. On Friday we bought our dining room set and put it together, we bought 2 regular sets and attached them, Voila a set to fit a family of 9! We sat down to dinner with the kids and they talked our heads off! We finally got to eat after they finished. On Saturday Olivia had girl scouts and we picked up her cookie order, I painstakingly made separate bags for each order, put them in boxes according to my side and Eddie's side, only to have the hubby leave them on the table overnight. I woke up to Emily and Melody eating cookies on the table and singing! Thank God we bought extra!

Eddie was home all weekend, people used to tell me, oh when you've been married a while you will get tired of each other, not true for us! I love spending time with Eddie, even if it is just helping him with a Saturday dinner or helping him change a tire, or playing Beatles Rock Band, we just have a great time together. He just gets me, he knows to wake me up with pain pills and chocolate milk, and that I like milk in a glass and not plastic. He knows that I am quiet in the morning and talkative at night, and from our daily calls at lunch, that I need chocolate. I love that we have a history, and not all of it has been sunshine and unicorns, there has been some storms, but you can't enjoy the good times without the bad. That is just not how life works. For example I walk through this home everyday and realize that if we didn't have a house fire, I would not have this awesome home that we love. Eddie is getting ready to put in a 72 hour work week, so I will only be seeing him at night on his way up to the shower.

Today after Eddie and I both worked in Kids Kanyon, my Dad and his live-in, as he calls her, (I call her Dee) came over and we had an actual visit with them, I think that is the first time they have ever done that, they just don't do that in my family. It was nice though. They watched Wall-e with the kids and Emily fell asleep on his lap. They did however get a small insight on our life with the boys, after seeing Edwin have a meltdown due to over stimulation, (the kids were all hyper from the visit), Dad said to spank the boys, that is not how it works though. But he just doesn't understand how spanking is not how you discipline children, especially autistics.

Well that is all for tonight, Beatles Rock Band is calling my name! It is time to kick my wonderful hubby's butt!!!!

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