Thursday, February 4, 2010

Last Night.....

Last night was rough. I will not sugar coat it, it sucked. It started off really well, we have our morning routine down pat. There is no yelling, coats and backpacks are on 10 minutes before the bus arrival, essentially stress free. With 3 different bus schedules this was not easy to navigate.

Emily and Melody were up and dressed before 8:30, we even had time to play ghost and read 2 books. And then the Tobey came home and he was in a mood. Now he was talkative, but these weird screams that I think are his attempt to talk. After 2 hours I was ready to take a bottle of ibuprofen. I put on my new Michael Jackson movie and he liked the music(my boy) but the interviews started the yelling. I finally put in a CD. Then Edwin came home, now this boy has been a character for a couple of days now. On Tuesday I found out that he had such bad gas that he had to be taken out of class, no joke. He also has figured out that he is a ninja. He decided to play with Tobey and got him all wound up again, and Michael Jackson's angelic voice could not help me this time. Olivia forgot her spelling words and Alison forgot her reading journal, so some of the homework was not finished. Then I look at the clock and it is 4, time for a play date at our house. Not knowing what to entertain with today, I put in Rock band. There were 4 girls trying to belt out Beatles songs that they didn't know, I am now at my limit of ibuprofen. I finally call to the sleeping beauty (Lena) who so happily got out of bed to help me with a smile on her face.... Yeah, that is not what happened and went to make dinner. Lena then left for youth, leaving me to handle the crew, and I am at my limit and it is only 6, Ed will not be home for hours and he still had errands to do. I finally got the crew all settled in by 10, later than usual because I am one person, you know. My husband walks in the door at 10:30 and says I am so ready for the weekend, I am burnt out! Good luck with that my dear, the children that we feed, clothe and love unconditionally won't allow it!

In his defense, he knows me well and brought me home flowers and a huge bag of chocolates, I knew I married him for some reason. Tonight I am forcing an at home date night and he has to watch Michael Jackson's movie, with me, with the extra features...mwahahahaha, that is an evil laugh!

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