Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Writer's block.....

I am trying to get better about blogging regularly, sometimes though it seems like I can't think of what to is really annoying.

Today I am waiting on a phone call, and missing Lena who has been at camp since Saturday and a little depressed about Deadliest Catch last night....but are any of those things worthy of a blog entry? Not really.....

The house feels different without Lena, I do have to admit it is quieter....Lena is an amazing kid who has an insane talent for art, and is obsessed with CSI Miami, but we are opposites in every sense of the word. She likes modern stuff, I am more antique...she likes makeup and I am not sure if I even own any.....she has no self confidence and I think that if she just puts forth a little more effort she could conquer the world.

Right now, I hope that she is finding out not only about her self but also about her journey with God. She has doubts about God and I don't know all the answers. I sometimes try to explain how to just trust in God but I still have to work on that sometimes myself, even with all the amazing things that he continues to do in my life.

Last week when Tobey was diagnosed with yet another problem, and the car broke down twice in 1 day, and I was falling asleep standing up, I was shaky in my faith...still after all this time. I know that I have an amazing God, I should never doubt that. I know that he has a plan for us, but we need to focus on him.

So, Eddie and I have talked about it...some people at our Church have fasted. I have no intention of doing that....I really like food. But, we are going to give up fast food, devote a half hour each to prayer and reading the Bible, and (gasp) Coke will be a treat only....Now, I know that this is not biggest changes in the world, but they are attainable...and may hopefully cause even more changes. Brick by brick my citizens!

Well, that is all today, if there is anything that you guys ever want to hear about from us, just ask! I am never really sure what everybody will find interesting or not....have a good one.

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