Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Dinner Parties.....

As always in the Holstein household the weekend was chock full of events, things that we neglected through the week, movie nights, etc.....But on Sunday night we were invited over for a dinner at a friends home. We don't get very many invites because well let's admit it there are 9 of us, that's a commitment! We are a lot of people. Second, we have the boys which people tend to be intimidated by, especially Tobey Jude. And I don't ever want to make friends feel uncomfortable, and I certainly don't want to make the boys feel uncomfortable in a strange setting. So, it was just easier to avoid such gatherings. And then a few weeks ago as we were getting the crew ready for Church I actually mentioned to Eddie that we never do that kind of stuff, and then in the amazing way that God works we got an invite from a friend at Church for dinner in a week. Now, how cool is that? Did it go perfect? No, Tobey jumped on their couch, and tried to murder a plant, Melody tried to jump in their pool, and Emily lost her shoes at their house. But, we had a GREAT time!!! I actually thought to myself that we should try and have some friends from Church over sometime.

Well, God heard me and knew that some people at LSC were in need of some love and were lost in a situation that we were in a little over 2 years ago. They showed up for advice and left with a invitation to come back for dinner @ 5:30. After they left I was in slight panic about what too make....At the back of the freezer I had 4 steaks, so I made mashed potatoes, butter beans,salad, and truffle brownies...I even had a bag of shrimp poppers! It worked out perfect. But the dinner due to the situation had a whole different tone than the night before. We cried, we prayed, we cried more.....We did our best to set their minds at ease, to let them know that this doesn't define them, to assure them that they can become better people out of this situation. But, when you are in such grief, panic, depression, anger....you can't see it, I am in fervent prayer that they will. So, know I sit worrying for them, trying to find them furniture, and preparing to go with them to a place tomorrow that I vowed I would never go in again.

I talked to Eddie and I don't know how my Pastor does it.....carrying the weight of the world, or at least the south side of South Bend on his shoulders. Right now the situation is gnawing at me, I my hugging my children tighter and longer...I thanked God out loud that he chose me to be their mother, all the while keeping this family foremost in my mind....even when I want to block it out.

So, that was the weekend, there of course was the huge grocery shopping, the stress of getting to Church on time, trying to find matching shoes, running out of gas....and then of course the antics of the Tobey Jude. And, I am thankful for every one of them, and thankful that God put us in the path we are on....even with the tears....

Well, tomorrow will hopefully be one of those upbeat, funny posts that I know you tune in for! Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. If you ever wondered why you had to go through what you did those couple years back - I would say that you have your answer. Isn't it amazing to be able to draw on the strength God gave you during that time and put it into the lives of others? They'll come through, just like you did, and what you're doing for them will multiply to someone else. Grace is so wonderful. LOVE your new background too!
