Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Adventures of the Monkey and Me......

Tobey Jude is lovingly called the "monkey" around our house. There are several reasons for this....he likes to jump and climb on every piece of furniture in the house and he is nuts for bananas, he wears a monkey leash when he goes out in public and he likes to mess with my hair. He used to have a monkey that looked exactly like him until we lost him in the fire.

Well, the monkey started a new habit of deciding not to waste anymore time on sleeping, there is just too much chaos to cause. It started 2 weeks ago and we prayed that he just got off schedule, or maybe it was because he was in summer school, or maybe I changed our laundry detergent scent...who knew, all I cared about was the fact he wasn't sleeping.

Now, Tobey Jude is not like other kids....he doesn't watch TV, or entertain himself, he is quiet and has a brain for figuring out locks....so you guessed it....if Tobey doesn't sleep, then Mommy doesn't sleep. Being the mother of 7, I am used to running on empty when it comes to sleeping. I can go on 5 hours a night if need be....but 2 hours a night for 2 weeks with no way of "catching up" was not fun.

I hate bothering people so, I figured I would wait it out until his next appointment, my dear friend Lorinda thought otherwise and willingly gave up an appointment of hers for Tobey. By, this time with Tobey being so tired, he was pale, dark circles, getting shaky and huge meltdowns. When the Dr. seen him she told us then Tobey has ADHD.

I was a little heartbroken, I shouldn't have been surprised....the little dude has more energy then all of us put together. Again, (maybe because of lack of sleep) I found myself trying to figure out what I did wrong to "make" him this way. Was it the meds they kept insisting I take, was it the candy bar I ate when I knew I was diabetic? I know, that it wasn't those things but I have this feeling of wanting to find out what happened to cause all of this. There are no answers......

Blissfully, Tobey finally slept 2 nights in a row and even took a nap....it was magical. I feel so clear headed and alive right now thanks to Mr. Sandman and the motherly guilt is slipping away.

I have also decided now that I am fully awake that I believe that we have spread ourselves out to thin. I don't know how many times that someone from Church has offered to help out, and me being me, has never taken them up on it. I think that it was my old self thinking that I can do it all on my own, and I now realize I can't. The kids ' grandparents I believe are scared off to help us because of the boys diagnosis or the size of our family and they just don't help out. Every appointment, therapy and event has been totally on us, and we are tired. So the boys are starting respite care in August, and Emily and Melody are going to a sitters on Friday so Eddie and I can have time to ourselves and go to the store without pushing one of those huge carts full of kids. So, if you are one of those people who offered to help in the past...I will probably be calling you! Be prepared, you have been warned...hahahaha....

Well, I hope that your day is blessed and see you tomorrow....


  1. I am glad that I can help! I am looking forward to my little time with Emily and Melody!

  2. My 6 year old wouldn't sleep much at night if it weren't for melatonin. I'm not sure what the doctor recommended, but his pediatrician turned us on to it, and it means that it now takes him on average 20 minutes to fall asleep, instead of 2-3 hours, like it used to take. Makes for a happy mama, for sure!

    i'm glad you got some sleep, and that you're taking people up on their offers to help.

  3. This sleeplessness was WITH the melatonin. He has been on it for a while, and all of the sudden, he just wasn't sleeping! Nothing against melatonin, we love it, but it stopped working.

  4. Do you think he would drink tea? I regularly mix chamomile, lavender and mint together, sweeten with honey and drink before bed. It calms and relaxes my muscles so that I will rest instead of going into overdrive. I also have a tendecy not to sleep. I don't think I am ADHD, I am just a nervous wreck all the flippin' time and therefore wander through the house like a crazy person. (I know, it's a funny mental picture.) :) Good luck!

  5. Melitonin never worked for the 2 here that need help sleeping.

  6. Thanks for all the comments and I will try the tea....I think the reason he is doing better (finally) is we got a really good Ac unit, the little guy can't regulate his temperature and so if we keep things frigid he sleeps. Edwin however said that he is sick of being cold!

  7. Oh, no! I'm sorry that the melatonin stopped. I will now count my blessings that it still works for us. And if it stops working, then I'll be begging for advice. ;)
