Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's time to change the password.....

Well, now that my husband has aired out all of my dirty laundry, I do believe that I should change my extremely obvious password...In all seriousness, I do like seeing his side of things, when they are nice.

This morning though while trying to do the marathon of getting 7 kids ready for Church, I did not like seeing his side when it came to a fight that we had. I admittedly am over protective of Tobey, way overprotective. Like, I checked on him 3 times at Church today because he went to a new classroom. He made it out alive, had a great time, wasn't in a catatonic state or drooling in a corner. I on the other hand,sat there and worried that if I didn't see him physically in front of me that he must be playing in the road or breaking a window. I know that I need to let go....

How do you let go of someone that you know could injure themselves, how do you breathe when they are not holding your hand? This is a child that you have cried for, prayed for, drained yourself physically, emotionally and financially for. You make every part of this child's life as safe as you can. I can't go to sleep until he is for fear of him figuring out the door or what if he turns on the stove. I worry over all the kids but it is a new ballgame with Tobey Jude. At home he is always in the room with me...if he gets hurt, he can't tell me....if a meltdown is coming I know the signs to pull him out so he doesn't lose it completely. It is a full time job just to keep Tobey safe in our "world".

Eddie's side of the argument....He worries that the other kids will turn out to resent Tobey and Me because of our "world" rotating around him. Having a large family we both have this fantasy of all our kids and their families wanting to come and spend the weekends with us. Not because they are obligated to, because they WANT to....big difference. He has a point. I know that, but you are caught between a rock and a hard place. I don't think there is much we can do about this one. I will always have to be vigilante of Tobey, he is a lot to deal with. I try to spend time with the rest of the crew...but 9 times out of 10, something will come up and you are back at square one.

Again. there is no mention of this on any TLC show!!! I am starting to wander if that is even reality TV now on there. I have never really seen the teenagers slam doors, or the parents trying to figure out how to cut back on things so they can try a new medication. Honestly I have never even see 2 parents fight, except Jon and Kate...but that is another blog! Ok, onto a new subject on reality TV!!!

There is a new show on Discovery called Dual Survival, best show EVER!!!!!! So here is the premise..First there is Dave, he is an ex far as I am concerned, he's good but not the reason to tune in Friday night @ 10pm. (Notice the plug there...Discovery can mail me a check) The reason to turn in and watch is Cody Lundin, all I can say is it is worth getting cable. So picture if you will, a hippy with braids hair (even purple ribbons, weird) and this love for Earth. OK, so now you are thinking that he is some vegetarian woose, who does like yoga and chants while summoning the sun....Oh no, He is 100% ma...male (spongebob quote, sorry) I am talking kills with his bare hands, hasn't even wore shoes in over 20 years and braves the snow. He also has arms the size of most peoples thighs, but talks with such a calm and rational voice, unlike Dave. I used to watch Bear Grillis, but he got naked in like every was getting awkward with the kids. Cody...well he has not got naked yet....doesn't need to, he's too manly for that. So there it is my new fave show, if you like it let me know what you think....if you don't like it, well it was nice knowing you! Haha!

Have a good one!!!

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of give and take on the Tobey issue...I love Tobey almost as passionately as does Melissa, and want to make his life easier and better, but the hard part what point are you doing too much? With six other kids who want our attention equally as much, it is a hard juggle...

    On the flip side...thanks for talking publicly about your ogling of other men...she just tried to correct me by saying..."other man" but what would Mr Christopher Walken say about that?
