Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just not right....

My kids are weirdos....I can say that as their loving Mother, they are just some of the oddest people I have encountered, again I say this, it is not because 2 are Autistic. But being laid on my back since Saturday, I had more time to notice how odd they truly are......

Lena has this annoying habit of asking me at the end of the movie what the movie is about, drives me nuts! She devotes her time to trying to figure out how to get out of her chores, when it would take less time to actually do the chores...I have yet to figure that one out. She attempts to be a comedian, do I say this nicely? That is just not her talent in life....yep, that's it! She is insanely talented at Art and yet says that she wants to work for NASA!

Alison, oh Alison, this kid is a work of art. Yesterday she came down in the craziest outfit I have ever seen...stripes and plaid....really odd colors. Yes, before you ask she does have a light in her room this was on purpose, and she thought it looked good. I am afraid to say it, but she will more than likely be one of those people at Wal-Mart shopping in her pj's ! I hang my head in shame!

Edwin has started making signs and putting them on the doors. They say "No Babies" with a circle around baby and a slash mark through it. I asked him yesterday which kids were the babies and he said"Emily and Mel" so, I said then it is OK for Tobey to enter the room? He said yes but he will have to beat him up. Also, he keeps asking me what time it is, I will say "9:30" and he will say "No, It's Adventure Time!". I have fallen for this like 20 times.

Olivia had such a great time with all of her activities she asked me if she can do them every weekend, when I reminded her that we have a pool now....she said that she can take it with her next time! She has also let me know that I need to get better at gardening or else !

Tobey Jude or the monkey as we lovingly refer to him, should go into professional wrestling. His upper body is that of a 2 year old, but his legs are in the 99th percentile for strength. He can jump with such precision and strength it is freaky. The scary thing is when your back goes out and you don't have cat-like reflexes to avoid the torture.

Emily, she is probably the most "normal" she has been good and the sweetest thing ever. She has brought me drinks and insists that if I watched Tinkerbell, it will make my back problems go away....oh the innocence of a 4 year old!

Melody out of the blue licked my arm yesterday.....I have no idea what caused her to do that. I have never seen somebody sitting on the couch and said to myself I would like to lick that person's arm. She is defiantly from her Dad's side!!!

On Friday we have an appointment to meet with a lady about respite care, this is something that we need get going so we can do more things for the girls. It is super hard to go to the mall, or go to a festival with the boys. I kinda felt bad because I want us to be a close family and do everything together, but it is simply not fair to the girls that they can't do something because of the boys. We haven't taken all the kids to a crowded place for a while, it seemed like all we did was spend time calming down the boys or keeping them entertained. So, I am in hopes that this will help to make everybody happier. It is VERY scary to leave my children with people I don't really know that well, but I am getting there.

Well, that is all for today....I have a ton to catch up on!

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