Thursday, July 15, 2010

I dislike clowns....

Hate is a strong Grandma Frances said I should never hate anyone, so let's just say that I strongly dislike clowns. I find them to be creepier than any monster, ghost or any Stephen King book. I am not sure where it started but my Dad had an ex named Ruth who was EVIL and she looked like Pennywise (in a 10 year olds mind) from the movie IT. Also, my Mom liked the Bozo show, which I think that he is creepy too!

My husband knows about my fear of clown's and changed his profile pic to scary, evil, from the dark side... Bozo the clown. Is he trying to help me by forcing me to see that I am married to Bozo when I click onto his profile? No, he finds it funny.

Once when Tobey was a baby, I was driving around with him and this van pulls up behind me in the gas station and who jumps out but a clown! I nearly died, I couldn't even get out to pump gas.....I just sat there like a slug, it was my only defense ( Christmas Story reference). And then! That stupid clown walked right up to my car to wave and look at Tobey!!!!! If I could have moved I probably would have tried to kill that clown.

If we go to an event that has clowns, more than likely because we have a ton of kids those clowns just gravitate to us. I try to look at them and shoo them away shaking my head at them, but they come over and I just stay away trying to avoid all contact. Once, when Lena was a newborn we took her to the circus and I actually had to hang out in a bathroom because we were so close to the stage and they just kept gravitating towards her.

Ironically, I am related to 2 professional clowns one by marriage and one by blood. Patsy, the one by blood is actually like an older clone of myself. She has the same face, voice and personality. I have probably not seen her for years, with good reason....she is probably not right in the head! Of all the jobs to have....really.

Johnny Depp one of my favorite actors also has a fear of these heathens to society, but yet continues to look more and more like one with every Tim Burton movie he makes. Has he found the secret to conquering his fear? I have no intention of trying that therapy, I will just continue on with avoiding them at all costs. And praying at Halloween that the neighbors don't dress up like one!


  1. KiKi was a clown a couple of years ago for Halloween!! Katie doesn't like them either. (Talk about weirdo's. Maybe that how your kids get it?)

  2. My love...I am not trying to terrorize you, I just find your childlike fear of clowns(who only want to bring us joy, happiness and unicorns) fascinating...
    Let me ask you this...does Patsy look like you, or do you look like a clown?

  3. I have this same disturbing fear! Except that I am more strongly annoyed with them than frightened because no matter how much you say "You're freaking me out!" they don't get the hint!
