Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Post 100!!!!

Wow, I am on my 100th post which I atleast think is pretty cool....Before I started this I had no idea I even liked to write, after some thought I realized that it must run in the family. My Grandmother Frances was published a few times in the Upper Room and also did some writing work on the side when her husband Jesse ran a printing company, and my Mom, Lena used to have a weekly article that ran in the local paper...it was actually pretty similar to mine except I don't think Autism was ever mentioned.

I said it before, but it was my Pastor's idea to do the blog....he thought it would be therapeutic. It really is...I tend to speak fast sometimes but I am a slow typist so it makes me actually think about stuff. My intention from the beginning was to not have a blog about Autism but that is just not us... we are a family that LIVES Autism, the joys of it and the sorrows of it. I love being open on here and plan on even being more open, I think that is the only was that anyone will ever truly understand what it is like to deal not only with special needs but also the challenges of having a large family.

There are a lot of pros to having a blog....like having family members that you rarely see getting to know your family better or finding the right words for something that you have been keeping inside. The only real con is when you tell somebody about something exciting they will say "Oh, I read that in your blog". Can't really surprise anyone with anything.

One weird thing about having a blog is finding out who reads it or doesn't read it. None of the kids Grandparent's read it which seems really weird when it is about their Grand kids. Then I find out that people we haven't seen in years read it, which I just think is the coolest thing....some of them haven't seen us since we were a family of 3!

So, thank you for reading and all your comments and thanks again Pastor Sam for the idea! I have really enjoyed it!


  1. My sister has a 16year old son with aspergers. He is an amazing kid! She homeschools him and his 14yo sister.
    I love reading your adventures!

    You are correct about who reads and who doesn't. My family doesn't read mine but a few friends do. Kind of lets everyone who want to know you better, do so.
    And I am a little out of the norm, so it's fun getting comments!
    Keep your chin up!

  2. I love your blog Melissa! I of course love seeing pictures of the kids and yes I have read all 100. Keeps me in your life even after all these years. I especially love how you try to mention all the kids, even though it is tuff having seven kids and having some disabilities rapped in there too! Keep up the writing and please oh please put some more pictures in your blogs of the children. They all are so cute and I just can't get over how much Lena looks like you!

  3. Melissa, I love reading your blog! It's a little piece of sunshine for my day! :)I love hearing about all your kids and their quirks! Keep writing, you're doing great!
