Monday, July 12, 2010


Holy cow, have I been slacking on my blogging duties! So here is the catch up of the Holstein's lives.... We had our first Precious Stones meeting and it went really well, I enjoyed getting to hear every one's stories. It was pointed out to me yesterday that I forgot to say a prayer, Saturday will be a meeting of nothing but prayer! Before we went to the meeting we cleaned carpets and baked cupcakes and met with Ed and Lorinda at the Hannah and Friends Family Fest. Had a great time even though it could have been a little cooler. It is so nice being at places like that because you don't worry about being stared at because the boys are doing something odd, great feeling.

Saturday night though after we finally were able to settle down, I sat on the couch and felt a pop in my back. I know this pop I have felt it many times before. But, I haven't felt it since I had back surgery a little over a year ago. I knew that the surgery was no magic cure but I was hoping for like at least 2 years with no luck! So, I essentially have 2 options...I can get the surgery again to take out all the broken stuff or sever the nerve to one side of my back and leg or....I can go back on Vicodin. I am not thrilled with either. The back surgery SUCKS, I mean you lose 6 weeks out of your life and it is not a cure. The Vicodin....oh the Vicodin has been a blessing and a curse at the same time. Ok, being honest here....I was a happy and relaxed pain free person on Vicodin, but I was on it for virtually 4 years straight and I took myself off. That was not an easy thing to do, but I did it and it took all my will to not go back on it. So, there is the dilemma....for the time being I am taking a ton of ibuprofen and Tylenol and waiting it out to see if the broken disc will dissolve.

Olivia Grace is having a good time.....Saturday she got to spend the night with Lorinda (one of her favorite people on Earth) and she had a great time, she came home exhausted! And today she went to spend the day with Mrs.Yoder and go gardening! She is going to be such a happy girl this week.

That is about all here, I am going back to the couch and get off my back....have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Olivia. She is a blessing to have around and a grat addition to our family.
