Saturday, July 17, 2010

Some Heroes of Mine.....

We have this Suburban which has been great and it is also paid for. She is a '95 and hunter green and gets 8 miles to the gallon in town! Well, now all of a sudden she is starting to have "quirks" like you can't drive her during the night because you have to use the tailights as brake lights and it is hard to open the passenger door from the inside. One of the back doors hasn't worked since the day we got her. Then last week she didn't want to come out of park without a fight and an expertly placed screwdriver. But yesterday on the way to a respite interview for the boys I started smelling coolant.

I thought that it was a buick next to had plastic on 2 windows, and one of the doors had a bungee cord keeping it closed and only 1 screw holding onto the license plate. I actually thought to myself " Wow, they should really get that checked out!". I then noticed smoke from the semi in front of me, or so I thought and then I finally put 2&2 together that my Suburban had yet again decided that she hasn't got enough attention. I was close to our Church and was in hopes that there was someone still there and praying the whole time that I don't blow the engine, finally I reached the sanctity of Living Stones Church!

As I put the truck in park...(whoops I will need the screwdriver again), there was smoke billowing from her like it was a 3 alarm fire! I ran to the Church and Jennae opens the door (enter hero number 1). I asked to use the phone to reschedule and she took me to the appointment. After she picked me up we went on a little excursion, I don't want to say what that is yet but, it could turn out really good! After we got back to the Church we had some more help. My Pastor Sam who is one of my favorite people on Earth, was going to help with the truck (hero number 2). It took 3 adults about 10 minutes to get the hood open, Jennae who may have missed her calling as a mechanic was the victorius one. We then looked at the massive engine and Sam somehow knew where to put water in the truck. So, out he came with a 32oz. Notre Dame cup full of water, and then another. It was at this time that Sam admitted that he knew nothing about cars. Amazing Pastor and friend, yes.....mechanic?.....not so much. We then realized that we should call someone who knew what a radiator was. Enter hero number 3, Bill. So, when he got there he just took over had the problem, diagnosedit and got the hose removed in less than 20 minutes! He like, knew, what he was doing. Sam and I then headed to Advance Auto and actually picked up the correct stuff, miracles can happen. ( By the way Advance Auto....why don't you carry Coke products?) And headed back to fix the truck, ok for Bill to fix the truck.

So, there you have it another reason to add to the list of why I am so in LOVE with my Church, I told Sam on the car ride that I really didn't know what I would do without our Church. I honestly don't! We have an amazing life even though it has it's trials because God put us in with a group of Living "Stoners" that are some of the craziest, most loving group of people that I have ever met. Even though the Pastor was highly impressed with himself for repeating the word "manifold". I love all of you and you were actually my hero long before that....but you probably already knew that.....

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