Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Counting down the days.....

I don't know about your kids but mine, are ready for the school year to end!!! I personally am so sick of getting up in the morning to their grumpy attitudes (Olivia is the worst). The backpacks which used to be pretty and had that new backpack smell are now looking like something that should be put out of it's misery. Tobey's has a strap that is being held together with a safety pin.

Everyday Edwin asks me how many days we have left, honestly I think that is the only thing that gets him moving...the thought of it coming to an end. Today they let him call me and I guess that he was crying, he is burned out. I told him that he only had a few hours left in the day and I guess that when I said that, he told his teacher "Bye" and was heading for the door!

Tobey is running into problems on his bus ride home. I guess that he is kicking and screaming the whole time. Which is not really like him, he is always great in the car. I think that may be his way of saying "I am sick of this".

So, I am officially ready for next Friday! The last day of getting up children! Surprisingly though on days that kids can sleep in, they are up at the crack of dawn! I don't think that we have slept in past 7:30 in a year.

In the fall though you mark my words, I will be first in line to get them ready for a new school year and get them OUT!!! Oh, the cycle is never ending!!!

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