Monday, May 10, 2010

Catching up.....

Sorry it has been so long since I blogged, sometimes stuff just happens and you simply can't find the time. But it is Monday again and the house is quiet. Tobey and Olivia have temperatures so they are sleeping in along with Emily and Melody who always sleep in on Monday.

My Mother's Day weekend was fantastic!!! Eddie gave me the whole weekend...not just the day! On Friday, I had a "meeting" at Church to discuss the support group. I am so revved up for this....simply can't wait. At lunch I met up with Amy O. to discuss the group, we had ham and cheese at the Chocolate Cafe', we mainly talked about family stuff! I think that there was some discussion of the group in there. Friday night after Eddie made dinner, we finally watched Avatar. I know.... we were probably the last 2 people in America to see this movie, but it was really good. Saturday I went to the Mall with CJ, Kristine and Lena, had a good time! Eddie made breakfast for dinner, which the kids think is crazy. I got all my presents from the family....Lena made me a card, Alison card and coupons, Edwin gave me a card and dandelions, Olivia made me a picture, Tobey made me the worlds largest broach, and Emily and Melody gave me kisses! Eddie got me a pajamagram, with everything for a night off. I then gave up sleep to watch Betty White on SNL, which was awesome!!!!!! On Sunday, we went to Church and they had a Roman Guard in front of a Chocolate fountain so only the Mom's got the goodies...really cute! We then surprised the kids and took them to the Zoo, we have a membership so it cost practically nothing, except for the fried chicken that we ate in the park. Eddie stepped it up this year, I literally did no cooking or housework all weekend! It was great, but now I have to figure out Father's Day!!!

Emily Frances is turning 4 a week from today, a little sad. I just love this age, I will miss it. She is such a great little kid, she wants a Tinkerbell cake. I LOVE Tinkerbell, so I will give her what she wants. I think that she wants a dollhouse, so now I have got to find one that I can afford...hahaha.

Well, that is all for today....I hear sick kids! Have a good one!

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