Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Angels of the South Bend school system....

I want to talk about the teachers that I have had the honor of sharing my kids with. Last night I was sitting at the dining room table and making out cards for the teachers and bus drivers and realized what great teachers that they have been for my kids.

Tobey's teacher that I have wrote about before is simply one of the best people that I have ever known. She sees Tobey as I do, as a really cool little dude, not as the autistic boy. She knows when to push him ahead and when to pull back. She is probably Tobey's second favorite woman on Earth, I had better be number 1! And, even though I am relieved that the school year is coming to an end, I will really miss her I consider her a dear friend.

Olivia's teacher has the patience of a saint, has been really good for her. Olivia being the middle kid sometimes needs extra attention and I know how hard that is when you are needed by everyone at once. She has taught Olivia a love of reading and crafts, and I just love that she has a hobby or two now.

Edwin....have you ever heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child? Well, it takes a school to teach an Edwin. Because he is on route for a diploma, it is tons of work to get him there. His regular teacher took him on only knowing that his teacher at the beginning of the year would leave Edwin in a corner and didn't teach him anything...because of his diagnosis. I know how frustrated his teacher got (trust me there was a lot of phone calls). But he kept chugging along even though I do think that he may think a little harder about taking on another Edwin anytime soon. Edwin also has a special ed teacher who has been amazing, I get e-mails all the time saying how much she loves Edwin and how blessed that she is to get to work with him. How great is that ? Lastly, Edwin has an aid that helps him tremendously. This guy has been go great that on occasion if I can't get Edwin to do something I will use this guys name and it works like a charm. Probably bad parenting....don't you judge me!

Alison's teacher was one of the many that will not be returning due to budget cuts. Knowing how much Alison loves her she gave Alison her home address so they can stay in touch. She has handled the situation with true grace. And has been awesome with Alison.

Lena's first teacher was the first to see her potential and realize that she had a real brain and helped her reach her goal of skipping a grade. Her second teacher had the unbelievably hard task of helping her catch up everything right before ISTEP. She did it though and thank God that is over!

So that's my opinion on their teachers and how thankful I am for them and the bus drivers and a certain school nurse who has become one of my dearest friends. Did you think that I would forget you Lorinda? Love you all!!!!

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