Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Drive in....

Do you ever have one of those ideas that come to your mind like a lightening bolt and fantasize how perfect it will be? Well, here is mine...

The kids who simply LOVE their teachers were not to happy about school ending...I know that is a little weird, I believe that none of my kids are "normal". Anyway, after tears (no joke) I decided that as a mother I should try and make yesterday a happy, I said let's got to the drive-in and see Shrek The Final Chapter. In my mind I envisioned the 3 older girls on a blanket in front of the car, eating bologna sandwiches (we are on a budget) and the rest of us all cozy in our car snacking away on homemade popcorn and enjoying the loving company of their I really that naive?

So, here is what really happened. We spent 3 hours getting ready, cleaning out the car, packing blankets and toys and the extras things the boys need. I then popped popcorn, made sandwiches and packed extra clothes. We headed out of town and got ice and a cheap cooler. Within 5 minutes of getting the cooler it broke and their was ice and stuff all over the cargo area. We then went to visit family and Edwin and Tobey both had major meltdowns at the in-laws.Then we went to my Dad's and they played outside and got absolutely filthy. After cleaning up and trying to not have a nervous breakdown we headed to the Melody drive-in. After we paid, (no discount for having a daughter named Melody, haha) we found our spot and ate. We then set up a blanket and ate...still going good, but they got bored. Edwin then decided to talk to everybody! He can say some odd stuff so I then had to go around and explain to 4 other families that he has Autism. After explaining to 2 of them that no, he's not like Rainman I tried to keep him with me. Finally the movie started and the kids decided to declare war on the Suburban. Emily broke the outside driver mirror and Tobey broke a windshield wiper, Olivia dumped 3 batches of popcorn and Emily and Melody found the chocolate stash (the car seats suffered dearly), Edwin kept kicking the seated because he wanted to go home. Alison and Lena did great though. After suffering through Shrek and ducking from embarrassment everytime Emily kicked the horn we decided that 1 feature was enough, I am sure our neighbors felt the same way. So, we had the 50 mile drive back home and simply told the kids tom go to sleep and leave us alone! I had it in my mind to go back and see Toy Story 3, I will wait for the DVD.

So that was an outing with the Holstein's and right now I am not sure if we are allowed back in Starke county haha! Have a good one, we have to clean out our car!!

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