Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tobey's new word....

Eddie had a double header last night at the softball field, to show my wifely (is that a word?) the whole family went to the game. Before it started, I took Tobey Jude up and tried to get him to tell his Daddy "good luck", he said the first word but not the second. I simply decided that the "ck" may be a little to hard for him, and found a seat. Then as the game started a kid behind us said "you suck"to one of the players on the field. Tobey gave his smile that shows me something has clicked in that head of his, and started saying suck over and over again! Appalled I try to get Tobey off of that word, and I had no luck! He probably said it 20 times. He said it so many times that Emily made up a song about it, I give up!!!!! On a side note, Eddie's team has yet to win, but I did see him hit the ball twice (1 was in the wrong direction) and he made it to 3rd base, so I was proud!

It is rainy and cold out. I used to love this weather, but since I have had back problems...I dread it. I have officially become old, if my back hurts, it will rain....if my back and right leg hurt then it will be a thunder storm. If everything hurts than I am tired from chasing Tobey, haha. I think that I will light some candles and have a fun dinner tonight to make the best out of a rainy day.

I can't believe that school is almost out. We have decided to make the lids continue learning throughout the summer. They all have things that they need to work on, so 2 hours a day of making them think shouldn't kill them!

Well, the laundry is calling my name....enjoy the day!

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