Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30th....

22 years ago today I woke up to the phone ringing at my Grandma's was Plymouth hospital telling us that my Mom had died. At the age of 12 my life changed forever...I was the kid who was introduced as the little girl who's Mom had died, I was the kid who felt the weight of the world on her shoulders being the female of the house....I was the kid who had to grow up on March 30th, 1989. 10 years ago today I was in a hospital room ready to give birth to our first son....which I did drug free for some insane reason. Edwin Jesse came into the world at his pace before the Dr. showed up and has been doing things at his own pace ever since. And Edwin did a miraculous thing that day and managed to change "the date" for me and our family. Today Edwin woke up and looked at me and said "I am 10!" I wanted to tell him "Yep, but we are going to Disney in 2 days and you are full can you be 9 for a few more days?". But, I smiled and hugged him (for 2 seconds because he can't stand hugs) and then he went off to play with his Mighty Beans and Hex bugs. Today I am the mother of Edwin and not the motherless child... the weight of the world on my shoulders, but I can handle it. Edwin has an IEP meeting today which I can't go to, and that is driving me nuts! Ever since I started working I have had to give over some of the control to Eddie and honestly even though he is doing a great job, I don't like losing control of things. Probably because I lost control 22 years ago of things and now it makes me uncomfortable. Wow, full circle moment there. Oprah would be so proud. So, instead of hashing out issues with teachers I get to take testing for the state for my new I spent an hour this morning studying meds, my mind is ready to explode. I did so great on my testing yesterday that I was asked why I am not in Nursing School. I thought about it this morning. And then I tried to study for an hour...I had to let the dog out, clean 2 runny noses, change a diaper, clean up chocolate milk, change the channel twice, and tell Edwin that I am not an alien. So, yeah going back to school may not be an option. So, here is my list of things you may like to know about my 10 year old...

  • Edwin's all time favorite food is Mac and Cheese

  • His favorite Disney character is Mickey

  • He now has over 70 Mighty Beans

  • His favorite color is blue

  • His favorite show is Adventure Time

  • He got into Nair when he was 3 and still has a bald spot on his head

  • He thinks he looks like Justin Beiber

  • He does not see the point of wearing underwear

  • He loves Chocolate, that's my boy!

  • He has a crush on his teacher, and tells everyone at school

  • He is a very good artist

  • He is now the last of the kids to go to sleep in the house, and easiest to wake up.

Well, I am off to attempt to study now that Melody and Emily have decided to watch TV....Happy Birthday Edwin Jesse...we love you more than you will ever know. And even though I may never hear you say that back to me...the fact that you haven't killed us yet speaks volumes!

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