Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy, Busy....

I am feeling like a chicken with it's head cut off.....but we are getting through it.

Tobey is still having lot's of language, and to say that it is a joy is an understatement, there are no words to describe it. I just sit there and listen to those words come out of his mouth and I want to jump up and down! I am realistic....I know that he will probably never have a full vocabulary. That's ok, I am happy with where he is. It seems like a miracle to hear 7 little voices instead of 6. He has also stopped scratching himself,which is great.....I will never understand the thinking behind self-harming.

Vacation can not come soon enough!!!! Man, we are dragging here! Eddie seems to be putting in more hours than ever,and I am too!

The fish are still alive...ALL of them. I am impressed, we must have some pretty strong willed fish.

Alison is back 100%, and doing great. She is glad to be back in school, just not thrilled about ISTEP.

Lena officially got asked out on a date last night from a boy that she met at her dance she went to a couple of weeks ago. I think we are going to do a supervised date at the mall. I am not so sure about this whole dating thing yet....I know that she will be 14 this month, but I still see her as a 7 year old at times.

Today we are going shopping and taking Melody and Emily out to eat at our new favorite restaurant. I went out yesterday for a lunch date and Emily gave me a hard time. So, it is their turn today.

I don't think we have Edwin on the right meds,we need to wait another week before switching him again. But,now he isn't sleeping and I have seen no difference in his aggressive behavior. So,one more week and then onto another med change.

Olivia has planned a family game night for us on Friday. I am happy about that one...easy. Next week though I think she is going to have a craft involving glitter, not really looking forward to that one.

Last Saturday I went with one of my guys to a Catholic Mass. I don't want to offend anyone on here....But I was bored out of my mind. I was literally to the point of tears. My guy enjoyed himself, which is all that really matters...but next time I go, I will take a book. I was in shock that it was only an hour.

Sorry, it is such a choppy blog...I only had 5 minutes before I have to get Edwin ready. Have a good day!

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