Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back from vacation!!!!!

So, my new blog pic is my extremely pale children at Clearwater Beach in Florida. Yes folks, my kids seen the ocean, touched sea life, played at the world's biggest McDonald's.....but the highlight for them? Disney! The original plan was we were going to go to Disney for all 5 days, but I wasn't sure how we would do with having 7 kids and 2 adults at the happiest place on earth during their busiest week. So,my bright idea was to plan something totally different every day and then try and get some educational things in their too. Well, all they could have cared about was Disney. So, we are going back next year for 5 days but, not during Spring Break and we are taking another adult.....any volunteers? We had the time of our lives and have decided we need to make vacations happen more often that once every 15 years. Our life can get very stressful with taking care of 7 kids, 2 jobs and of course the generous helping of Autism....we need a break! So, on today's blog I am going to tell you about the trip there and how we spent our first day in Florida. We left the house around 5, we were supposed to leave at 3. But my meeting at my new house that I am managing turned into an 8 hour shift because on my first day of caring for my 2 new guys one of them got extremely ill. So, after getting him back home from seeing the worst Dr. I may have ever met I came home to a very tired Eddie who hadn't slept in 30 hours and then we left. The kids were troopers with the trip we drove for 28 hours straight only stopping to use the restroom and switch drivers. We FINALLY ended up in Orlando at 9 pm. We had very cranky kids at this point and very tired parents. On Sunday we went out to Breakfast and then headed to Disney. OK, I have to be honest here...I cried. In 2008 we lost everything, in 2011 we were looking at Cinderella's castle on a ferry heading to the park. It just didn't seem real. It was insane to me that this was our life. That we went from having nothing to being one of those families that could have been on a Disney commercial. I am still in awe of what God has done in our lives now that he is in control. The first ride we went on was It's a small World....LOVED IT!!!!! I tended to want to go on the older stuff that has been there for 40 years. I loved all the animatronic things. Some of the highlights of the day was Edwin and Alison becoming pirates from The Jack Sparrow (who was easy on the eyes), Emily and Melody doing the Cha Cha Slide with Chip and Dale and the Buzz Lightyear game. I was so excited that my 14,000 score beat Eddie's worthless 12,000 score...and then we looked at Edwin's score 315,000!!!! So, I am not sure if I should be proud or just keep him away from the clock towers.... After a full day and selling my blood to feed 9 people at Disney (kidding) we headed back glowing after having quite possibly the best day of our life. I know that I should say that it was the day I met Eddie or had my children...sorry you guys. So, the next blog will be about the Beach and the Aquarium, and a McDonald's that Eddie and I can only describe as McDonald's on crack....politically correct? Nope, but true! Also, I try and not get political on here even though I enjoy politics....but here is some advice if you like Obama, do NOT let anyone there know. This guy lectured me for 25 minutes on why I should like Palin and avoid the government. Now, that being said the guy lives on Social Security (government money), bragged about a wheelchair that he got for free from Medicaid (government money) and then told me that is going to College for free (again government money)....I will go on. I was then told how I wasn't baptised correctly (Please Sam, tell me you did it correctly...haha) and the world will end in December of this year. I was then told all about where Obama was born, and how he is an illegal President.I can only blame heat strokes for this poor old guys delusions.... So, that is all for today, I will see you soon, but I am back to the insane hours on Monday!

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