Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Has your life been centered around Christ this week?

At our Church we have an open communion every week...sometimes someone will get up and tell some of their story how God has performed miracles in their lives, sometimes they will show their humorous side (Eddie), once they had the big screen up front "talk" to us ( I really liked that one). But, this week Kelly (Sam's wife) asked if we had Christ at the center of our life. It gave me chills. Last week I worked an insane amount of hours, packed for vacation, talked to teachers, had 3 meetings, volunteered in Kids Kanyon, made dinner, made 150 healthy snack bags, did laundry, had a lunch date with a friend, had breakfast out with the hubby, talked to Tobey, went clothes shopping, watched a movie, took Olivia to the Dr, called my Dad, balanced the checkbook, sent out a ton of emails, made plans for my new promotion, the list goes on and on. But, I am ashamed to admit I did not open my Bible one time.... I prayed with the kids, I thank God every time I hear a precious sound come out of Tobey's mouth, I volunteered at Church, I worked with the kids, I folded bulletins. But, Christ was certainly not the center. I could give you a thousand excuses of why, but none of them are truly good. So, I decided that I can and will do better...I take care of 2 guys on Sunday evenings. So, this week I took them to my Church, I want to share the love of my Church with them. When I tuck one of the guys in at night I am going to pray with him. I bought a study guide a month ago, and yesterday I finally got around to opening it. And on Thursday Eddie and I going to discuss some better ways to not only bring Christ in our lives more, but to concentrate on other things less. I wish I knew how life gets away from you at times...when do you get so busy that you lose your priorities? There has been so many times that my Church has been there for us and helped set my family on the right track....they have done it again. Thank you Kelly.

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