Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Miss Lena Elaine Holstein

Well, it's official...I am old. I now have a 14 year old in my house and she is mine. The first thing I think of with a 14 year old, besides the fact that I am getting super old is in 2 years she will be driving, in 4 years she will be leaving the house, and in 6 years she will be the age I was when I had her. Time goes too quick, she is growing up to fast.

If you have read this blog for any length of time you know that even though I love that girl to death, we have our issues. If I go into the deep seeded reasons why, I think the biggest part is because of me. I was motherless when I was her age and it is hard not to have that reference to go back to. I never learned from my Mom how to do makeup. or had that talk with her about what that first kiss is like.

So, here I am trying to raise a 14 year old girl and I am learning right along with her. The oldest child is always the guinea pig of the group and believe me, we have made our mistakes.

There are things about her that I am insanely proud of. She has a lot more responsibility that your average 14 year old, and I wish that I could take that away from her. I wanted my kids to have the childhood I lost. ( I know I am sounding like Michael Jackson right now, sorry) But, dealing with the life of Autism that is nearly impossible.

So, here we go with the list of things that you may not know about Lena Holstein
  • She loves those Fred videos on You Tube...
  • Her favorite color combo is black. white and blue- green
  • Her favorite dinner is anything that reminds her of Thanksgiving
  • She has been drinking coffee for 2 years...1 of my many mistakes...it did NOT stunt her growth however.
  • She does not believe in Capital Punishment....she thinks everyone can be "fixed"
  • She is super artistic, we have been told from several sources that she should do it for a living....she however is not interested.
  • She is currently digging Bruno Mars and the Beatles
  • Her feet are bigger than mine
  • She does NOT know how to work a can opener...that one worries me a little
  • She is Tobey's biggest fan but I believe she would sell Edwin for a TV in her room.

So Happy Birthday Lena, thank you for being my daughter and I look so forward to you becoming one of my best friends as you get older. With you bean pot I have learned so much and still learning. You, my first born are one of the most creative and sensitive people I know and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Now, about your room.......

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