Friday, March 18, 2011

Hey look 3 days in a row

I figure that since I have been using you for free therapy lately, I will do a more light hearted post today.

I ended up having yesterday off so we decided to just try and have a fun and relaxing day with the kids before I start my marathon weekend shift.

After sending the Holstein 5 to school I went to Dainty Maid and got some treats for St. Patrick's Day. Usually I make Brisket for St. Patrick's Day....but after going through all the prep on Wednesday we decided to eat that a day early. So, I ended up making tater tot casserole and this salad that tastes like summer. It has fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, fresh basil and olive oil....worlds simplest side dish and the kids go nuts for it. While I made dinner Eddie actually watched TV with the kids and Lena helped me in the kitchen. After dinner we took the kids and the dog to the park to enjoy the weather and that was the whole day. It was awesome!

I had no idea that our lives would get so busy....when I went back to work we were planning on 20 hours a week. It has turned into a lot more. And Eddie's hours have also picked up fact this weekend is the last days that he will have off until we leave for vacation. The crazy part is we keep thinking we can take on, starting new chores for the kids, or going to Young Authors conferences with Olivia, or dreaded med changes with Edwin.

As a parent have you ever noticed how punishing your kids turns into torture for you? Lena and Alison are grounded from computer and phone this week. So, whatever free time I have seems to be turning into helping them to not die from boredom.

Monday we are having a little party for Lena for her 14th birthday. Hard to believe that she is that old already. Last year, we found out about the lead the day before her birthday and she got passed over because we were in a state of sheer panic. This year I am in hopes that Tobey won't come down with yet another poisoning of any sort and we can celebrate her. She wants a PSP, that is not going to happen. So, I am thinking a stereo and some Cd's and maybe an outfit. The kid is going to Disney in 2 weeks, she will have to learn how to swallow her sorrow of no PSP while she is hugging Mickey.

Edwin's birthday is going to be super easy...he wants Mighty Beans and Mighty Beans accessories. And some Hex bugs if we really love him....his words not mine.

Since I have 2 sons with Autism, I have decided that I must be an expert on Autism...

Disclaimer- I am not really an expert, in fact the more I find out, I realize how stupid I really am when it comes to this disorder. This is meant to be fun, so don't get offended. If you are offended do NOT leave a comment that you are mad at me because I may start crying and then we are back to depressing posts again, and you don't want that right?

Signs that your child may have the 'Tism
  • He has an obsession with Mighty Beans or Hex bugs and watches You Tube videos about them daily
  • He can find a fan anywhere you go
  • He explains to you in detail that he would like to kill you because you won't let him have soda for breakfast
  • They are a big fan of Mac and Cheese and chicken nuggets
  • They interview the fish in the fish tank asking them if they have seen the new square Mighty Beans
  • They do headbanging and Celine Dion is on
  • They can fix your computer in 2 minutes flat
  • They think Target is an evil place because they use to much red
  • They start spinning everything they can...Poor Tiger
  • You feel like you got a full nights sleep on 3 hours
  • Speaking of sleep if I see one more person on Facebook say that they are tired and need a nap, I may just lose it. (not a sign of Autism, just a warning for you all)
  • They see nothing wrong with going commando to school, or talking about bodily issues with anyone who will listen
  • If you go to your child's school and they look at you with sympathy, you may want to look into testing

I hope you have a great day and I am off to go and start the killer shifts....see you next week.

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