Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our life....

The house is quiet and I can't sleep which is irritating because I work a 16 hour shift tonight and then another shift 8 hours later...So,I figured I would blog and tell you some more Holstein news.

Alison is doing much better. She was actually able to enjoy Megamind with us last night and I think she may have actually ate real food! She has had no temps for 24 hours and has been resting a lot, so I think we are out of the woods with her now.

Edwin is doing well with his new meds, no real side effects but not the results that I would like to see yet....maybe I am still waiting for that magic autism pill. When is that coming out anyway? haha! It would be handy if we could get that before his first ISTEP.

Tobey Jude is a walking miracle this week. We have had sentences, he has identified letters and colors....VERBALLY!!!! Last night he told me "Good night,love bug!". We have been warned that this may just be a "honeymoon" period and not to get our hopes up. But, man that is hard to not get your hopes up on something that you pray for everyday.

I am getting ready to take on 2 new women with special needs at my job. The 2 guys I have are super easy....sweet,funny,loving and an absolute joy to take care of. But, the 2 new ones....they are in a whole different league. These 2 have severe mental issues and because of absolutely no family what so ever to guide them through life and to get them the help they need, they have been tossed through the system and failed by it. Because of paperwork not being filled out by their "family" and no services being given to them they are just left to function in our world, and our world makes no sense to them. I only get 8 hours of week with them and that is all they get.....8 hours! When they are in need of full time care and could possibly be a danger to themselves or others.

Being totally honest....some disabilities scare me. I know that they may sound insane with how much I am involved with special needs. But mental illness can be freaky and if it is ignored....threatening. I really had to think and pray about this one, but I am going to give it a try. I was a little shocked that they even asked me to take them on...honored,that they think I am up to it...but shocked.

So, I am off to start the day with the kids and go to ameeting at Church, take Olivia to dance, get the house ready for company and then off to work. I am now getting to the point that I am looking forward to Mondays! Have a good one.

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