Saturday, February 5, 2011

The New Job...

So, yesterday was my first day at the new job, and I loved it! At first I had to discuss with the boss about all the paperwork and some of the not so fantastic parts of this kind of work. But then I met the 2 guys that I get to take care of and they are AWESOME!!!! And now, I am in shock that I get paid to take care of these 2 guys! I mean they are just cool to hang out with and they appreciate my cooking...what more could I ask for?

So, now I get to show my new bosses what I do best and that is finding things for these guys to do...First off I need to find a bowling alley that can accommodate a wheelchair on the lanes, and then I am going to work on finding them some charity work...maybe at the Humane Society or something.

The kids survived without me...Even though Eddie gave them Taco Bell for dinner last night (what is really in those things?) and I think Olivia slept in her clothes. The house is still standing but is in need of some attention. Eddie's sister did a great job of helping us out and I will be eternally grateful.

When I got home last night Edwin said "I actually missed you!" So, how am I supposed to take that? I will take it as a compliment....I actually missed him too. I missed everyone like crazy but I did a great job of not calling home 60 times....

So, the itinerary today is get the house clean, work on laundry (again!!!!), go grocery shopping, and then go to work. To be is a lot easier than home! I may actually be able to get through a chapter today! Eddie who worked a 10 hour shift last night is going to a job fair this morning....his job situation is a whole 'nother blog.

Tobey has a whole new quirk now that is driving me nuts. He has started scratching the heck out of his own face when he gets mad, so if you see him don't be alarmed...this is one of the many joys of Autism. The rough part is as soon as we think he is healing them up he gives himself new scratches and short of making him live in gloves I don't know what to do to help I guess we will make another appointment. I think I am going to try a behavioral music therapists outside of town. I would tell his Dr. but it would end up being more meds...and I just don't want to keep putting the little dude on stuff. He is not broken, and I don't like 'losing" him to meds all the time.

So, I hope you have a great day....see you later.

1 comment:

  1. My sister is a music therapist, but she's in the Chicago area. She works primarily with kids with autism. I highly recommend it, if you can find something that works for you.
