Saturday, February 12, 2011


Melissa Holstein here with yet another 3am blog...because Tobey has managed to wake up everyone in the house except for Alison and the cat. Of course it is a day that I will not get to go back to bed until late Sunday night because of swing shifts! Nice.....

So now I sit here listening to the kids watch Monsters Vs Aliens for the 3,000th time.

So, I had a great day at work Friday...I am not really sure if you can call it work, I just love hanging out with these guys. So, while I was at "work" I took 1 guy to Church to fold bulletins, and I played Wii bowling and I made them a snack...easy 4 hours. Tonight I work the overnight, which will probably be boring as all get out. So, I think I will clip coupons, make a grocery list and actually read a book! Party on Wayne!

So, getting someone to help clean up was the most brilliant idea I ever had. I walked into the cleanest kitchen EVER!!! And I didn't have to do it! So, thank you CJ and I will see you Monday! I thought I was going feel like cooking in it, but I just want to enjoy the beauty so I sent Eddie out for Long John Silvers which was the bomb.

Today Kris is going to be a fill in Mama and take Lena to get her hair and makeup done for her dance tonight. I am eternally grateful since I can't be in 2 places at the same time. So, Lena is going to get to enjoy a non-rushed appointment with no kids around and all the attention is lavished on her. She deserves it...

I was in hopes that Tobey was done with the scratching phase, but no luck. I guess within minutes of coming home yesterday he gave himself the worst scratch ever, so today I am picking up some of that scar therapy stuff because I think the new habit is here to stay. I am already preparing myself for the dirty looks at Wal-mart today.

The kids and I enjoyed watching Charlie Brown last night, I don't know if I have told you but we are big fans here. Anyway, I started thinking last night that Lucy is a horrible Psychiatrist and that Charlie Brown needs some major anti-depressants. I mean really, the poor kid is near suicidal and the parents and teachers haven't noticed his demeanor. I know, it is only a cartoon....but some of those kids have some real issues.

So, I guess since the kids have voted that I don't need sleep I am off to face the world and get ready for the day....pick up the sitter, buy Lena shoes, make valentines with 4 kids for school, go grocery shopping, go to the bank,take Olivia to her first dance lesson, take Lena to the dance, clean the house and then I am off to "work".....See you Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like our Friday morning. At 1 am, the husband leans over and says he needs to go to the hospital. We were there until 5. No sense in going back to sleep after that. I can't tell you the nature of the visit, except to say that it involves baby-makin' parts, and hopefully everything is fine now. But I haven't quite recovered from it yet. Post pictures of the lovely Lena soon! I miss that beautiful girl. :)
