Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just another day....

So, I left everyone hanging about Eddie's job. He has decided to look for another job in the same field, Eddie is a machinist...technically he is a supervisor of machinists. And last week when he got in trouble for sending his crew home because of the blizzard coming, that was the final straw. So, after we get back from Disney he is going to start looking to switch...Anyway, there it is.

Olivia is home sick today and sleeping soundly. Emily has also been under the weather this week but she is already doing better. I am busy still cleaning the house after last weekend and will probably finish getting everything caught up on Thursday night....right before the kids mess it up again for the weekend!

Tobey has not scratched himself since Thursday, hopefully that was just a phase that he is done with. We have been super careful with the situations that he is in and trying to not let him get over-stimulated.

Edwin got in trouble in school, on to another method. We have been offered the services of a Behavioral Therapist through my job, so we are going to talk to him next week for both of the boys...Obviously we are messing up somewhere. It is so nice to have a job where I can find these resources....

I have noticed something else about myself while doing this new job...I am great at not giving in with Edwin and pushing him to be his best. He gets himself dressed, he can make his own dinner (microwave and sandwich stuff), he is on honor roll and he just gets no excuses...including Autism. But then with Tobey Jude, I bend over backwards....and I simply am not doing him any favors. Even though my heart is saying "oh, look how cute and helpless and innocent he is" my mind needs to say "The boy needs to be independent". And with this I am an epic fail. I think I feel sorry for him and just want to protect him from the world...and yes I know he is only 6. But it took the kid nearly 3 years to learn how to write his name, how long is it going to take him to learn how to tie his shoes, or take his own bath? So, I am going to make a plan this weekend for some goals for Tobey to learn how to do some things and then see what his teacher is working on.

There are days when this whole parenting thing is the toughest job ever, and you feel like you are messing them up no matter how hard you try. But, then you get that little glimpse of them praying at dinner or being good at the store...and you pat yourself on the back. And then the phone rings and it is the school calling to tell you that Edwin is threatening to kill his teacher because she made him sit is a vicious cycle! Have a good one my friends...... I am off to go cry on the floor while laying in the fetal position....haha!


  1. You are such a strong woman! We all need a bit of fetal position, but with kids, we always get back up, put on a smile and keep moving forward.
    A bit of chocolate or a bubble bath, even a nice lotion before bed...keep going.
    We will be praying for Eddie and his search...just enjoy Disney. The rest is in His control

  2. Can I go to Disney with you? :-) Seriously, I think the Behavioral Therapist is a good idea because he/she might be able to give you some strategies that you haven't tried. However, don't feel like you are doing something wrong with the boys. They are good kids and Autism is super unpredictable. You are doing a great job!!!
