Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

I know, I know...original title, huh? Hey I have been stuck in the house since Tuesday with 7 kids!!! What do you want from me?

So, I knew this blizzard was coming and I was extremely prepared this time....I bought the cases of diapers, toilet paper and of course...Coke! So we were golden here. I was also smart enough to get new crayons, coloring books, a craft kit (that had 300 pieces!) and a new Disney flick. Ok, it was Snow White but, it is new to the little ones.

I had loaded up on baking supplies with this vision of doing a ton of baking....and then I got majorly sick yesterday. So, I didn't get out of bed until 3 pm and was only able to make dinner yesterday as my contribution to the household. So, today I get to clean the house and do about 10 loads of laundry! I still don't feel great but there is no sick days when you are a Mom and have 7 demanding bosses.

Speaking of the of them is sick...Tobey Jude. Now, here is a little known fact about Autistics. When some autistics are sick, they can act totally normal! I have no idea why, but Tobey is very calm today and a little more verbal. Now don't get me wrong he is not laying on the couch with chicken noodle soup. But he is wanting lots of hugs and wants a lot of playtime with siblings.

Tomorrow is my first day at the new job...I am a little nervous, but not too bad. I am confident in the job...I am nervous about home. I have the kids in a good routine, and Eddie is more of the type to throw in a pizza and call that dinner. I am more the type to make sure that they have at least 2 sides that are vegetables and get to bed on time. The issue becomes when the kids know this and use it to their advantage. The most guilty ones? Emily and Melody....oh, the look cute in their matching clothes, acting all innocent and sweet. But they have their Dad wrapped around their pinkies and they know it!!!! To be fair, I am wrapped around Tobey's.

So, we let Alison go on Facebook...let me correct that. Eddie let Alison on Facebook. And that my readers was a mistake! Eddie and I have a lot of stress right now with his job, a new job for me, 7 kids and then the challenges with the boys. So, we ended up having a fight. Now, the fight lasted about 15 minutes and I don't want to admit that we fought in front of the kid...but we did and we are human! So, anyway guess who was on Facebook? Yep, Alison! Our child with the biggest mouth! So, the next day I get on and low and behold there was several messages asking about our marriage! I am still waiting for the in-laws to say something to me! So, for the record... we are not divorcing, married couples do fight and Eddie and I are good! And the next time we have a "discussion" I am either taking it outside or cancelling Alison's Facebook account.

So, that is all for today...I hope that everyone is safe and warm out there...see you later!


  1. Melissa, I missed where you are working, but congrats! I hope the transition is easy and smooth.

    Fighting in front of the kids isn't always a bad thing. The key is making up (not that way!) in front of the kids. It's good to see that even a healthy marriage has disagreements and fights, and how exactly you resolve the conflict. Kids who grow up in homes where parents always take the argument behind closed doors can end up having no relationship conflict resolution skills, and thus have issues when they grow up and enter their own relationship.

    of course there are boundaries! We do sometimes argue in front of the kids, and they don't like it. We try not to yell too much when the kids are around, and to keep the argument clean--no demeaning the other person. And always, always apologize and reconcile visibly. And sometimes speak their fears: Yes, Mom and Dad were arguing. I know it feels scary sometimes to hear that. But even people who love each other will have disagreements. We are committed to each other, though, even when we disagree. we're not going to get divorced--we made a vow to stay married to each other, and to work out our disagreements. You don't have to worry that we'll get divorced, because we're a team.

    We don't yet have to deal with kids spilling too much on Facebook, though! Good luck with that!

  2. Hey Heather! I am working for Moses Mwaura from Church taking care of special needs adults in their home!
    Thanks for the advice...but Facebook can be a very scary thing....just wait!
