Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We are still alive and kicking...

So, we made it through the worlds longest weekend and still alive to talk about it....Eddie and I worked our tails off and we are recovering.

I was up for a full 46 hours with only a couple of hour long naps....I swear by the time early Monday morning came around I was acting like a drunk....

Lena had an amazing time at her dance and even kissed a boy on the cheek...she was glowing after her day of feeling like a princess. Again I thank you Kris for spending the day with her and giving her the attention that I couldn't that day....I love you!

Olivia was thrilled with her dance class, and feels so grown up having her own activity that no other kid in the family has.

The kids had a great weekend with their Aunt Abby who was kind enough to stay the whole weekend with the kids while Eddie and I worked insane hours. Thank you Abby and I love you too!

Eddie and I had our "date" on Sunday morning and went to Church alone with no kids...we kept joking that they were probably still going to call our number and have us pick up Emily. Anyway, Church was even more
amazing than usual and after the service I told my pastor that I was honored to know him. Eddie and I are so blessed to have our Church family in our lives and loving our family. I have no idea where we would be with out them...

Monday morning when all we truly wanted to do was sleep in we took Abby, our nephew Caleb and Emily and Melody out for Valentine's breakfast. Eddie took a horrible picture of me and posted it on Facebook, which he will pay dearly for...but we had a nice time. We then did some shopping and headed back to the house. We switched sitters (thank you Terri...I love you!) and I went to a meeting for work and then we took Tobey Jude to a new Dr.

So, here is the latest on Tobey Jude....We are putting him on new drugs for his activity and for the non-sleeping issue. They also gave us a sedative for when the non-sleeping gets extreme. There is an issue with his ears and we are going to put tubes in pretty soon, but for now antibiotics. We got a referral for a behavioral therapist, so that is awesome! And the seizures for the time being we are not too worried about unless the become extreme or more frequent. She said if this was a normal kid with seizures, that would be first on the list. But with Tobey we have a lot of other things before that on the list that need handled first. So, I am thrilled with the new Dr, she didn't overwhelm us, she listened to us and valued what we said...went great. We have also decided that sometime this year we are going to do genetic testing on at least Tobey and Edwin, maybe all the kids. There may be a possibility that there is Fragile X or a chromosome problem with the combo of Eddie and I. And it maybe something that we can help to make sure that it is not passed down to future generations. I know that there is some quirks on both sides but it is so hard to tell....years ago things like special needs weren't talked about, they were hidden away. I can't imagine.

Eddie got me the Golden Girls for Valentine's and a lot of chocolate and the neatest singing card. I got him a cross necklace, a couple of movies and an outfit. We got the kids treat bags and stuffed animals and they got cupcakes for dessert yesterday, so they were happy. So, all in all we had a good Valentine's but so glad that it is Tuesday!

Today I have a lunch date with Sarah and I just love those! And then back home to being a housewife and grounding the children...sounds like a great day! Atleast it sounds like an easy one!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

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