Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm baaaack!

Hello again my friends....sorry to have left you for so long. We have been busy!!!!! So, here we go!

Alison was in the hospital last night. We thought that she had the flu, we were wrong...after several "diagnosis" and test we were finally told Pneumonia. So, she is resting and on a ton of drugs.

Edwin got suspended last week for punching his banner moment there. He had a Dr.appointment today and will be on new drugs in the morning for his moods. I am sure his teacher is anxiously awaiting his return in the morning!

Tobey has become a whole new boy under the new Dr.s care. First off the boy is sleeping!!!!!!!! And his language in the past week is at least 50% better. There has been a difference in school too. He has had no aggression towards himself or anyone else! So, that has been a huge blessing.

So, here is something that you may not know if you don't have special needs kids. Switching meds is super scary at times. You know when you put them to bed that they may wake up a different kid. It may make them more active, it may turn them into a zombie. They could have a seizure or they may have no effect at all.So, you just have to watch them super close and pray for the best. Now, when you have 2 kids on med changes? Well, you are insane and should be getting your own meds.Not for the weak my friends.

My job is going great and I LOVE it. But, I am dragging and we are having a hard time figuring out family time and time with the hubby. We are both simply exausted and it is hard to find time to even talk hardly. We are giving the kids a few more chores and I have CJ helping out with housework and I am buying more convenience foods.So, I am hoping that helps with giving us some more time.

Tonight after we dined on pizza (again) we had a King cake with the kids. Olivia was the lucky kid that found the baby. Emily and Melody fought over the necklaces...they both wanted purple. I have always had a thing about New Orleans....I think we should go there on our next family vacation. Eddie however doesn't see my fascination with it....No beads for him...haha!

Friday night to make up to the kids for being to freaking busy this past week we are having a slumber party!!! We are going to watch Mega Mind and dine on the finest fried food that money can buy, or have taco's. The kids are super excited and so am I to be honest. I have missed the fun stuff with them.

So, that is all for tonight...time to medicate the kids and hope that everyone sleeps tonight...

Oh, quick update on the fish. Tobey put an entire box of Pet Fresh carpet deodorizer in the fish tank. So, after cleaning the 20 gallon tank and Edwin praying over them...they are all alive still 24 hours later! Even Kermit the frog who I think may be autistic....hey it could happen. I seem to attract them!

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