Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day...

So, as I am sure you know Monday is Valentine's Day....Usually Eddie and I make a quick dinner for the kids and then have a nice dinner for us and watch a romantic flick. Last year we watched Couple's Retreat and Eddie made surf and turf. This year? I have no idea what we are doing...Eddie will have just finished a 78 hour work week and I have a full work weekend, so we may just sleep.

We both work overnights on Saturday night so we will have a sitter here at the house. So, the plan is we may sneak off to breakfast together before we go to the early service at Church.

As you know I am a fan of the Golden I told Eddie the only thing I want is the box set of the comes in Sophia's purse, how cute is that? The kids are getting treat bags with little teddy bears and I will give them cupcakes for dessert Monday night. I am getting my 2 guys (the guys I take care of at work) treat bags too. But, I have no idea what to get Eddie....hopefully I have time to shop on Monday. Oh my gosh I have become one of those people, you know the ones that crowd the card aisle because they can't read a calendar!

We are trying a new Dr. out on Monday for all of us...Tobey will be her first Holstein that she gets to see....if she does well with Tobey we will give her a lot of business. I am in hopes that she will listen to us and not just medicate the heck out of the if she wants to medicate me, I am ok with that! Just kidding.

I finally have come to the conclusion that I can not do it all, and I am getting some help from my dear CJ tomorrow with the housework. She is going to help us out for a few hours a week. If everything goes as I plan it in my head I can get everything done...but life doesn't go like you plan. Yesterday Emily got a little sicker and needed some Mom time, Edwin's bus was an hour late, Eddie found out that he is not getting the weekend off, Tobey had 2 meltdowns (no seizures though) and then it is 8 at night and even though I have accomplished so much with the kids...homework, dinner...keeping them alive. I have done nothing with the house. Today? I am going to work on it, but I had about 25 minutes of sleep with Tobey. If I was smart I would have done housework when he was playing at 3 in the morning...but I am not smart at 3 in the morning. Never ending....

So, that is for today....I hope you have a great one!


  1. I'm pretty stupid at 3am, too. haha!

    Have you ever tried melatonin with Tobey? We need to use it for Anders, or he struggles to fall asleep. (still less than Tobey, it will take him 3 hours, sometimes a bit more, to fall asleep). Our pediatrician recommended it for him when he was about 4, and we've used it ever since. Ask the new doctor about it. It's not a drug, though, and not a prescription, so you don't have to have doctor's approval, but it's never a bad thing to talk about it with the doctor anyway!

    I apologize if I've told you this already a hundred times. I tend to think it's a miracle cure and tell everyone. ;)

  2. We do have him on what we call...the tonin. We have found, however, there is a window that he has to be asleep inside, he has to be sleeping within 2 hours, or he is up for at least 5 more hours! And yes, tonin is a miracle drug.
