Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This has been a busy week.....

Today I finally can catch up on some housework before I head to work...and what am I doing? I am blogging!( But never fear Eddie the lasagna is made in fridge, 350 for about 45 minutes.) We have been insane with Dr. appointments, and well..raising the mighty 7.

Edwin has started having migraines, which I just hate seeing. I know that this can be part of Autistics going through puberty...not a very nice part however. This whole puberty thing is terrifying with kids like him. I have heard about everything from seizures starting to med changes going wrong, to mood changes that are uncontrollable. Geesh, I can't wait.

On the flip side, Edwin is so excited about taking guitar lessons next week. He tells everyone that he is going to be a major Rock Star! We are going with his teacher on Monday to pick out his new guitar.

We are finally getting the kids into activities. The 4 oldest are FINALLY starting the Boys and Girls club on Monday, (I know, I know, we have only been trying to get them started in there for 5 months...don't judge me!) And because of my new obsession with Dance Moms, Emily and Melody are going to be starting dance classes, if they have one on Tuesday or right after school on Wednesday.

Tomorrow Miss Melody are going on a field trip with her pre-school. We are going to Mancino's Pizza and learn how to make pizza. If you didn't already know I am not a fan of pizza (you are totally judging me now..aren't ya?) but I am a fan of Melody so I think it should be fun.

I think I have discovered the secret to Plymouth schools. They are the king of fundraising! So here is a list of things that we have fundraisers for Jefferson Elementary (Olivia and Emily's school).

Box Tops for Education (they have contests)
Pizza Night at Little Caesars
Ponderosa night at well, Ponderosa
Coupon books for Martin's
(we are doing that one now...$5 for $80 worth of coupons) just saying
Plastic lids of any kind or size
Campbell's soup labels
That sale where gift wrap and candy is twice the price
I think they sold bulbs for spring, but that may have been Ali's
Penny Wars
Book Fair (which they do during Grandparent's week, brilliant)
Market Day
Frozen Pizza sales

And that is what we have had so far...we are halfway through the year. I will say this I will help them fund raise as much as they need, if they continue doing such a great job.

Last Saturday Eddie and I went out on a date! I know! Anyway, we got all dressed up (I even went to the salon) and went to a fundraising dinner for the Chiara Home. It was like a fake Polish Wedding with dinner and an open bar...woo hoo! After we thanked God for making it across the parking lot which was pure ice, we could make donations to be in the wedding party. We did not get picked but CJ was a bridesmaid in it. There was these people sitting across from us, and at first I thought they were a little stuck up. Come to find out they were so much fun after they enjoyed the free bar, haha. Anyway after talking to them we found out about what they did for a living...are you ready for this? They own a Medical Billing Business! I probably owe these people my first born! I quickly turned around me and Eddie's name cards for fear that my name might ring a bell. Of all the people to be across from! We did adore them, and I hope Eddie and I still love each other as much as they did after that many years of marriage. They even took our picture..how cute. I told Eddie they know how to get a hold of us, you know because the Holstein children are probably a good chunk of their business. So, thank you CJ for inviting us, we had a great time and you made a beautiful Bridesmaid even though I was disappointed that you didn't do a cartwheel!I mean really, what was holding you back?

Tomorrow night Lena is making us Dinner and the family members have to grade her on the meal for school. Now, honestly how fair is that for the kid who has 9 family members? I think she will do well, she is going to make individual pizzas and salad, and then a dessert. At least with Pizza I know she will get a good grade form Edwin and Eddie.

So, I think that is all for today folks, enjoy the sunshine!

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