Friday, January 6, 2012

Birthdays and Shameless.......

The title will make sense at the end, I promise.

Miss Olivia will be 9 on Sunday, she wants more sea monkeys....NOT happening! Those things are utterly gross, and the water is turning green. We are taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese next week, Lord help us. That place is insane! It will also be the first family party that we have thrown in quite some time, we usually just have a little party at family. So, I am hoping that things go well, Olivia is so excited.

Tobey Jude will be 7, 2 weeks from today. As usual when it comes to Tobey I have mixed emotions. By the time Edwin turned 7 he was talking in full sentences, and potty trained. And I know you should not compare kids, but man that is tough. I mean they are brothers who both have Autism and they look just like each other, really tough. Anyway, I am cuddling with Tobey on the couch remarking how he is turning 7 and then my heart broke because he is not near as far as Edwin, and it just seems that the years keep going by and that "magical "fix is just not happening. And I know that Tobey is more on the severe side of the spectrum, and I know how far he has come and how blessed we are at how far he has come. But every now and then it just bugs you....going on.

On to the zany happenings at the Holstein's.

We love to blast the stereo and dance with the kids. But yesterday Emily Frances took it to a new level. She started dancing like a 5 year old should and then said "Now the pants are coming off!". WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?! She then mooned us! Not my proudest parenting moment. I am also ashamed to admit that I probably could have handled it better by not laughing. I should have turned it into a Duggar teaching moment. You know like "The Lord does not want you to strip" "You need to think about your life choices".

Now for a confession from Melissa. I watch horrible TV shows, like my kids have to be sound asleep before I get to watch the stuff that I really like. Now this stuff isn't like the backroom at Family Video bad....but a Christian should probably be watching Joyce Meyer's or listening to Sam's podcast.I am not a perfect Christian, and I rationalize it by saying it makes me a more rounded person, yeah that's it. Anyway, I am addicted to American Horror Story and Shameless. We just found Shameless 2 days ago, and I am hooked to it's dysfunctional ways. So we were watching an episode last night and Eddie kept remarking how he knew the Mickey character...and then while we were watching the Mickey character having violent relations with another guy (that is about as PG as I can get) Eddie put his hand on his head and said " Melissa, I know where I know that guy from!" , and then he let out like this howling laughter. He then kept saying he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell me....I finally convinced him that I could handle the truth, I mean really how bad could it be? And then he said the fateful words that changed my whole being..... "Melissa, that is the Autistic guy from that Dog Named Christmas movie". I then realized that he should NOT have told me, I can not handle the truth. I was then dumbfounded, that Hallmark movie is like my favorite, it convinced me of what a joy it is to keep your special needs child with you and how that could be a blessing, and we even got a dog that looks like dog on that movie. And there he is, I am looking at his butt right there on the screen. Now you have to understand, this movie made me see what kind of adult Tobey could grow up to I am not so sure!!! Eddie in his odd humor started quoting scenes from the Hallmark movie..."Can't I just keep him until Christmas?" . I could have killed him, and now that I have seen that guys Butt, I am not sure if I can watch him in the Hallmark movie again. That being said, the guy deserves an Oscar.

Now, I should probably go and get a Coke.....have a good one.

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