Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lena's Orientation and life in general.....

Last night after the kids stuffed themselves on cheap pizza, I had to take Lena to her Freshman orientation. Her high school experience is going to be amazing! I want to go back to High school and I hope she sees what a gift she has been given of a stellar education. She is going to be in the School of Inquiry, which will include her history, English and language (she is going to take Chinese). Her elective classes are going to be Theatre , Art and Piano lab (a trimester of each). We are pushing her to get the Academic Honor's diploma which has a lot more scholarship options. We have also signed her up for 21st Century Scholar, which will cover a lot of college, help her find a part-time job and provide free tutoring. 21st Century Scholar used to give essentially a free ride, but that ship has she is going to have to work a little harder.

I took Miss Melody out for breakfast today at Bob Evan's. After we ordered she seen 3 guys around 50 walk in with baseball hats, she then stood up and asked them if they were the Beastie Boys! How funny is that? That kid is crazy!

I hardly remember what the heck my husband looks like, I think that he is the guy with cool hair that I see in the fridge on occasion...but who knows? Eddie has been working way to many hours and every time I think that we may have a night off together he has a meeting or I have a school thing, he has rehearsal or I have another school thing....ahh, life. After Miss Melody goes to preschool tomorrow, I can have the man to myself for 2 and a half hours. Now, we could take the time and go on a mini date or we could take a nap and do housework. The latter will probably win out to be honest.

This weekend Eddie has his first meeting for Challenger, which is the special needs baseball team that 3 of our kids played on last year. Eddie is going to be a coach, which will be so much fun. There is something about a guy who has such a heart and such an ease around kids, especially with special needs. Lena, Alison and Olivia are going to the Roller Rink on Saturday night, Lena decided that she wants a roller skating party for her Birthday. Problem is none of our kids know how to really skate, so we are going to be making a lot of trips to the roller rink, thank heavens it is close tot he house. I have a lunch date on Saturday with one of my favorite people. And then on Sunday I get to see Eddie do his magic at I think this is going to be a great weekend and much less stressful that last weekend.

Eddie attempted to watch yet another movie on Showtime last night. It was called Pirahna, we heard that it was a horrible is! So, I have simply come to the conclusion that Showtime is to be used for Shameless and The Dark Crystal (which has a sequel coming out this year!) only.

Hope you have a great day! Outside it looks like Rudolph could be showing up any minute. I may need him....

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