Thursday, January 26, 2012

TV and Autism, and other random thoughts....

Lately I have been seeing a lot of Autism on TV. Because as you know Autism is by far the hippest of all the mental illness. I used to watch Parenthood, but to be honest I personally didn't feel like it was the best portrayal of what life is really like with an Autistic child. For one, the kid on Parenthood doesn't have a real severe type of Autism (similar to Edwin's), and I also wish that they would show what life is like as far as bills, therapy, the stares, but I would love if they would show some of the humor. Because kids like Edwin are a riot and that is how you handle the stress of dealing with Autism.

So, last night we watched Touch on Fox. It hit a little to close to home, but very realistic of what life is like. First off with the child, he is a non-verbal Autistic. They showed everything from the dis-connect that they have with parents, that dreaded blank stare, the unawareness of his surroundings, and the elopement issues. You seen how he never wanted to be touched but he wanted a connection. And then they showed how amazing their brains are, and believe me they are amazing minds.

On the parents side, you seen the issues of standing up for a kid that no one understands, dealing with authorities, being told that you can't handle them (and secretly not sure you can). Not being able to deal with other issues because Autism is a full time job with no breaks. The lack of sleep (I literally don't feel like I can breathe at night until I have Tobey with me and he is sleeping). And the heartache of putting your heart and soul into a child who may never love you back like the "normal" kids. (That being said Edwin kissed me on the cheek last night for the first time, the world did not end for him.) I love this show, and I feel like if people watch it they will get the real understanding of what it's really like. My only problems with it is 1) does not start until March and 2) it is on the same time as Modern Family...really?

So, I got my new smart phone and now I relixe that I am not smart enough to use it. So far I have used it to make calls, text Eddie and start an unhealthy relationship with Angry Birds. It has a lot of fun things, but I have no idea what I am doing with it.

The sea monkeys have passed away, there will be no services. I hated those stupid things. When we started there was 50, and then there was a mass killing or something becasue then we were left with one large mutant one. I personally think he killed all of the others. Anyway, I was tempted to just flush that stupid thing...but I didn't because it would probably scar my children. So daily I would look at that thing and get my hopes up that he was dying. One day he would spin around like he was a disco ball, one day he was just floating around..I thought for sure the nend was near. But no...he lasted a week more. Finally, the suffering ended (mine not his..haha) and he passed on to that big fishbowl in the sky. Or, maybe he went to the other place because of his murderous behaviors. Who knows...I DO know that I will NEVER buy those things again!

Yesterday on my husbands blog he pointed out that I play Castleville, I would like to take this moment and put on the record that my husband played Dungeons and Dragons in high school. There I said it! The secret is out Eddie.....

Miss Emily has 100 day today at school...when the heck did she grow up? She explained to me that he first boyfriend Aiden broke up with her for a new girl, and then her second boyfriend Wesley left her for the same girl. Kindergarten is becoming as bad as The Young and the Restless with all of this boyfriend drama. She got a certificate for good behavior this week, vast improvement over last week when we got a phone call about her mashing a sandwich in the floor.

Melody Summer had Chapel yesterday at was very cute. Chapel at her preschool is hearing a short message from the Vicar (I think that is how you spell it) and then they perform a few songs in English and one in Spanish. It was adorable even though she refuses to do the dance moves (at home she is a dancer). I am going to miss this time next year...we decide to put her in Kindergarten at Tobey's school (more on that in another blog).

Lena and her man broke up but she refuses to put herself as single on Facebook. I am not sure why...she is already looking at other guys. I have decide to make her wait another 6 months before she can start dating again... She needs to concentrate on school now that's all.

Alison keeps trying to start new clubs at her school, the first one she started was the "Clean Club" where she wanted the kids to stay after school to pick up pencils and trash. Suprising, (sarcasm) she was the only kid who was interested in staying after school to clean up trash and pick up pencils. She did however manage to bring home around 50 pencils a week and she got several of those caught being good notes from the janitor. Now, she is doing a comic club...I hope that at least one other kid likes comics as much as her.

Olivia is planning a sleepover...she does this a little differently than most kids. She made out a list of rules and then another list on how long that they spend on each activity. She also made me a list of what foods to buy and informed me that I am not allowed to be involved after I have bought all of her healthy snack food. That is life with Olivia,

Edwin is going to start guitar lessons in february...he wants to be a massive Christain rock star (his words, not mine) . He hasn't left this phase yet...the only other one that lasted this long was his pirate phase. I am so glad that one is over with...hard to explain to people why your son is dressed like a pirate all the time.

Tobey Jude did the cutest thing yesterday. He has come to the realization that we talk in sentances not in one word like him. Tobey noticed I had some chocolate and Tobey must have figureed that he needed to pull out all the cuteness he could for me to give him some chocolate before bed. So, he tried his first went something like this "fhsdjkhfask fhsdfn viiut doeroe CHOCOLATE!!!!!". Of course the dude got some chocolate.

Off to clean house and play with Miss Melody so she doesn't think the TV is her Mother...have a good one!

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