Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Where a kid can be a kid......

So, as you know last Saturday was the mega event of the century....the Chuck E. Cheese party! I am so glad that we did the reserved party thing. They gave us 8 tables up front, so we had plenty of room and Tobey Jude did not feel too crowded. We had a really good turnout....Olivia wants to go back and have all of our Church family come....I will need to start saving now for that! The best thing about the party is there was no work! I didn't have to run things, cook, or clean the mess. And Olivia told me it was the best birthday ever, now doesn't that just melt your heart?

The highlight was the ticket blaster (for me and the kids). Olivia planned her attack out. She checked out the machine before hand and noticed which ticket had the highest ticket values, it paid off she got over 600 points in 30 seconds! Tobey Jude had a different approach, he took in Lena so he could enjoy fighting with the safety glasses and jumping up and down like crazy, he scored over 300 tickets. Now, you may ask what the kids purchased with said tickets...well let me tell you. Tobey got nothing because I forgot to turn the things in (next trip, I will let him pick out something). But, Olivia got a CD of Chuck E. Cheese singing his top hits. This is the stupidest CD ever! First off I have a hard time believing that he has top hits, I have never downloaded anything of his. Second off, as a parent when you leave Chuck E. Cheese you first want to thank God that you did not lose a child, then you take more Tylenol than the recommended dose, you sit down in your car wishing you did not get the kids balloons because you can not see to back out, and then you put on adult music and tell the kids not to talk for the 40 minute ride. You do NOT want to listen to the mouses voice singing about homework and cleaning your room!!!!!!!! Why? Why would they do that? The CD may come up missing the next time I clean out the car, just saying.

So, today on the Today show Paula Deen announced that she has Diabetes (type 2). As you know, I am a fan of this woman's cooking and cook her recipes at least once a week. Eddie said that he was surprised (haha) that she had this, because she cooks so healthily. I believe she adds butter to her salad....going on. My Mom died of that disease and it is one of my biggest fears to be honest. Lately, Eddie and I have been talking about the way we eat, and this may help push us to change. A problem I have is I like to cook, I mean cook, cook like homemade noodles and a lot from scratch. Which is a good thing because convenience food for a family this size and going out to eat all the time is not very economical. So, I picked up this cute magazine called Yum For Kids and it has really great recipes in that healthy and fun. If any of them turn out to be any good I will put the recipes in here...or start a new blog on the Holstein's trying to eat healthier on a budget. Maybe I could put a counter at the bottom of it for how many days I can go without a Coke. Let's be honest here, It won't make it past a day....I may try a Diet Coke, crazier things have happened.

Edwin is going to start Bible Study at Church Sunday. He is so hyped up about it! He is reading more of his Bible everyday than usual in preparation for it. I would love if all my kids were that excited about the Bible. It amuses me that the kid who I was told was unteachable can quote scripture. I think that one of the biggest draws for Edwin is the powers that Jesus had. Edwin has started praying for these powers, very cute. Last week at Church he learned about Jesus and the story about the loaves and fishes. He prayed to Jesus last night that he does not send fish here, but fish sticks are fine. I don't think he thinks they are the same thing....I will let him think that. He eats fish sticks and he ever shrinking diet needs all the variety it can get.

So, I think that is all for this rainy morning. I hope you have a great day and enjoy the temps, it is going to get cold!

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