Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday Musings...

Usually on Thursday I hang out with one of my favorite people Sarah.But she had childcare issues. I then thought I would drop off the girls at the sitters and spend some time by myself, then Alison threw up and I am now at home typing a blog.

So, I had a meltdown of my own last night. I can blame it on the fact that I packed in way too much stuff on my day off, or that I am busy with all that end of the month paperwork at my job....but the truth is I had one of those times of just feeling sorry for myself. And it was over such a small thing.

I went to a baseball game for the kids (Tobey,Edwin and Alison) all three of them are in a organization called Challenger....they are awesome and the kids have a great time in it. Well, I only watched a total of 5 minutes of the game because Emily and Melody were buttheads...( I say that with L.O.V.E.). And so I ended up taking them to the car for the rest of the game.

So, here is my meltdown....I came home and of course I got on Facebook. And there it was Tobey's cousin (the one who is 2 months older) looking adorable in his little league pictures, and I lost it. Now don't get me wrong here I love Tobey's cousin, and obviously would not wish him any ill will. But in those pictures I seen the Mom looking well rested and stress free, he was not on a leash or had to have a special buddy to help him. There was no worry of seizures or therapies to think of. He was just a kid playing a normal game of ball, not a care in the world.

I talked to Eddie and I just lost it, I think I seen just how different our lives are. Tobey's cousin is going to regular school and Tobey will go until he is 22 and never even get a diploma, his cousin will lead an independent life and Tobey will always live with full time care or family. So, there you have it, I am not as strong as everyone thinks...I had officially lost it.

With that being said, I can not imagine what my life would be like if Tobey was "normal", I may have even ended up bored. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be the person and Mom I am. Or even be doing the job that I am. I am not sure if I ever told you, but when they asked me for my job experience with special needs, she just put down Tobey....that was all I needed. If you can take care of Tobey and live to tell about it, you are hired!

So,lately I have been shopping at Meijer's. They are closer than Wal-mart and they double coupons. So, yesterday after the game I was wanting fried chicken. So, we jumped in there to grab some. They had just cleaned out the case and it was marked down but still hot, I thought I had won the freaking lottery. Well, that was not the case my friends. Worst chicken ever! It was so dry that I literally had flashbacks to National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. You know the scene where that hillbilly family overcooked the turkey. I mean it looked ok, but you had to chew it forever and the actual chicken (not the breading) was actually crunchy.My kids who eat anything (including brussell sprouts and lima beans) could not even stomach it down. Just horrid, horrid chicken. So, if I have not drove the point home enough yet...DO NOT GET MARKED DOWN CHICKEN FROM MEIJER'S! Never. I now will wait patiently for the slander lawsuit.

Eddie and Edwin got their haircut yesterday. They went to the same Barber that did Tobey's hair. Edwin looked at himself and said that he looked amazing, he has a slight ego problem. In his defense, he did look amazing. Eddie really liked the nostalgic feel of the place. I think it would be so cute if the three of them go together every time. Probably won't happen but would be adorable.The barber also refers tome as the boss, which I kinda like.

So,I suppose I should get some more work done. I hope you are having a great day.... I will be catching up laundry. Jealous?

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