Friday, May 27, 2011

Random Friday Stuff

We have so much going on, and it is awesome! So, here is a random blog about the events in Holstein world.

Olivia has her first dance recital on Saturday, she is just giddy with excitement about it.

We are going to our first Quinciera (thank you God for spell check!) next weekend. The only one I have ever seen was on The George Lopez show and I am pretty sure that no one is going to jump out of a huge clam shell, but that would be really cool. I had to look up online what you buy for a gift. If you are curious, a gift card is appropriate.

I am co-throwing a bridal shower in 3 weeks for Eddie's sister, I am making the food and cupcakes and I think I am going to do treat bags or something....I should probably get working on that more.

The kids are getting ready to be out of school, we are getting a membership to the YMCA and may try camping this summer. I still have to work on all their activities. Lena and Alison are going to camp, and we are starting more therapies for the boys...possibly Melody too. We are really encouraging the kids and ourselves to start more physical activities and healthier eating, and this will be the perfect time to get started.

So,if you haven't noticed I took the fridge thingy off of here. Here is a explanation of why, along with an apology to anyone who may have been offended (this may be long, sorry)

Eddie has a little brother that is getting married and in turn has become Jewish. I am open to other religions, what works for one person will not work for another. We have found what works for us, and now live an amazing life following Christ. In respect to Eddie's brothers faith I did not invite them over for Easter dinner because as I said in an earlier blog, Jews don't really celebrate Easter. Which is fine for them....but as a Christian we do. So, after being offended about Easter from him and then turning into a embarrassment on Facebook...I thought the whole thing was done.

I was wrong, I wrote them an email about a bill collector of theirs who has been harassing us, and asked them to please contact them to make it stop. His fiancee then wrote Nazi on my fridge....nice.

So, first off if I was Jewish I would not use that word so flippantly. I had the honor of meeting a holocaust survivor my senior year of high school, and it changed me forever. Lena and I watch documentaries on that horrible tragedy and it still affects me.

I was pissed, I do this blog as therapy, and a way to show how our lives dealing with Autism effects our family. I was close to just shutting the whole thing down, because I am not interested in dealing with those kind of stupid issues.

I was going to write her another email, I had this whole script running in my head of everything I was going to say to her....putting my anger into words with the image of that little boy in that and adult still hardly able to get the words out of his mouth of how his parents were killed in front of him. The ironic thing, is this whole thing started with differences in religion, and the things I wanted to say to her were NOT very Christ-like.

So,I then after Eddie calmed me down....I really thought about things. And here is the conclusion that I came to. There are some people that you meet that are just lost, they don't have a great life of their own and they try and tear other people down. And now, I just feel sorry for her. I have such a great life, and she must live in a place of such sadness and hate...... Years ago, we were in that dark place...thank you God for getting us out!

So,that is enough on that hot mess. Today, I am going to get housework done (does that ever end?) and go to work. On a side note, I read this thing the other day that says instead of complaining about house work you need to count your blessings that have a home, instead of complaining about laundry- be thankful that you have get the point. I am trying, but it is hard to be thankful for your home when you can't get red Kool-Aid out of the carpet....I will work on it. Have a good day, dear readers.

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