Monday, June 27, 2011

Turning 35 and Emily's Great Restaurant....

So, I have a very exciting week this week. First off tomorrow it is....Date Night 2011! the Monkee's and The Emporium! Woo Hoo! A full night of adult conversation and Mickey Dolenz! I am a happy woman.

I also, will be done with being 34. To be honest I am glad to see that one go. That whole thing of living my life feeling like I can't break the curse of surpassing my Mother's age will be done. Hopefully Eddie will stop telling me that I am living on borrowed time...that would be a great present Eddie!

Eddie is taking me and the kids to Cracker Barrel for my birthday and I actually have the day off! I don't even volunteer this week at Church! Eddie however will be volunteering so we will still be at both services. This however will not make Edwin happy. It is all he can do to get through one service...I will bribe him, yeah that is good parenting.

Eddie had his first live skit at Church last week, it went really well. I would try to explain it but it will not make sense unless you seen it. So, the concept was a support group for super heroes and there was an invisible man, and then Eddie was like one of those guys that eats for a sport (think of the Asian dude with the hot dogs in New York). So, there you go, it makes no sense this way...but trust me it was funny!

Emily, is obsessed with food. If you have read this blog for a while you already knew that. Anyway, she has decided to open her very own restaurant when she grows up. I love that....she was explaining to me all the foods that she was going to have and where all her family members would work. I would be in the kitchen with her and her Dad will take orders. She said that if Tobey would stop running he could set the table. I have worried about where Tobey could work, now I just have to figure out how to send Emily to Culinary School.....

Lena had an awesome week at camp. First thing she told me was she wants to go to a Christian College....SCORE! She also told me that she gave Jesus her attitude, Jesus sent it back yesterday. So, we are back to living with a teenager....I just realized that I will have teenagers in my home for the next 15 years....please pray with me

Lord, please protect the Holstein's as they enter the danger zone of raising teenagers. Please comfort them as they have to lock up their 5 daughters, and guide them in the ways of getting a gun permit from Wal-mart. Lord, help the girl that touches Tobey Jude....may she heal quickly and have an easy transition into the witness protection program. In your name, Amen.

So, I am ready to medicate the kids....I hope you have a great one.....

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