Friday, September 2, 2011

Melody Summer is going to Preschool!!!! And Plymouth smelled like green peppers today, FACT!!!!

Hi, there, I know I keep going on and on about the various aromas of Plymouth but it is super odd. Anyway, here is what is going on in the life of Holstein.

Melody Summer is going to preschool next week. My baby will be leaving her mother for 2 and half hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for what seems like eternity. We were very blessed to not only get her in a Christan Preschool but also one across the road from us and is willing to work with JESSE which is the special needs people for Plymouth Schools if...Melody is officially Autistic. We are so blessed.

The rest of the school age kids are doing awesome in their assorted schools and I am adjusting to the crazy schedule much better than I thought I would.

I got my hair done which it looks awesome! I love it, it is very funky. It has highlights, a feather and these glitter strands called bling. Eddie said I look like Rainbow Bright, but a little fact about Eddie.....He had a little thing for Rainbow Bright when he was a kid, just putting that out there, no charge.

Tobey Jude lost his first tooth Thursday, he sat there at the table at lunch and just yanked it out. The teacher was a little shocked, she obviously doesn't know how much of a man child my Tobey Jude is.

Lena's boyfriend is coming over to our house tonight to go with Lena to the Blueberry Fest, I am at work so Eddie will be the one meeting him. To be a fly on the wall for that introduction!

This weekend we are totally doing everything Blueberry Fest! We honestly have no choice. We live across from it and the kids have learned nothing in school this week because the whole town is OBSESSED with this thing. (Ironically, the town has never once smelled like blueberries which seems so very odd. ) I have prepared for this fest like it is the end of the world, the cabinets and freezers are full and I picked up all of the kids sleeping meds...I need nothing more.

We are also missing Church on Sunday, which I feel horrible about. For one, traffic will be a living Hell. For two, they are doing a South Side day. South Side day is when our Church goes in to the South Side of South Bend (see the reason behind the clever title now?) and they perform all sorts of service projects for people with no strings attached. I love this kind of stuff, but Eddie and I have come to the conclusion that there are just certain things our family cannot do. And that is one of in point? Go back to August of last year and read about our Church Picnic. I have noticed that there was no Church Picnic this year, hopefully it is not because of a swing hitting Melody in the head....

So, I think that is all I have for you today...See you soon!

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