Wednesday, September 7, 2011

William Wells

This was my cousin, he was only 32 years old, the father of 2 and way too young to die.

My Dad called me to tell me about it, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that local news story on Yahoo about a guy dying in a motorcycle wreck. I tend to skip over those... to depressing. It's weird how different it is when you know the person, it is no longer the tiny blurb mixed in with entertainment news. It is now remembering going swimming with him and sneaking into the snack cabinet at Grandma's hose and being so thankful that he was taller than me. It is thinking back to that time when he jumped on Grandma's dining room chair and it broke under him...all fun and games until Grandma came out and found us.

I am sorry that this happened to you William, I don't know the right words to say to your Mom and Dad or to your wife and 2 little boys. I do know that you were so loved by them and you will be missed and I want to thank you for the cookies and the swimming. And I will never forget the time that you told me that I should listen to more black music and I exclaimed that I loved Michael Jackson. You laughing then said the funniest line ever "Melissa, that makes you even whiter." God bless you Will.....

1 comment:

  1. Could you post a picture. I think I went to school with Will but I cant put a face with the name
