Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Growing up too fast....

Tomorrow my sweet Melody Summer is going to preschool. She is so happy and proud, I however am having doubts. I know as a parent I am doing the right thing. But my gosh I will have no one at home with me on mornings for 3 days a week. I will have no reason to watch Elmo or Rango for the 5,000th time. My baby girl is growing up and I don't care for it one bit.

And another kid that is growing up is the Tobey Jude. Last night the boy told me "I love you". I never in my lifetime thought that I would hear those words coming out of him. It was his voice, looking right at me, and said "I love you". I cannot think of any word in the English language that explained how that felt. I am tearing up now just typing it. The weird thing is, he never had to say those words to me for me to know that he loves me. But he did, and it was the most amazing thing. I just may be one of the luckiest Mom's I know.

Onto other things, but how do you follow that? We had a great weekend of Blueberry Fest, complete with a parade (which people came over for) and fireworks (which we FINALLY saw) and fair food. The kids however were disappointed because I wouldn't spend money on rides. They ate and played games...tough life.

Eddie and I also got some stuff around the house done. It was nice just having a day at home...we don't do that much. We painted some shelves and the thing that is around the door (don't know the name) and set up our bedroom.

Next weekend is Eddie's sisters wedding, so we are both taking the weekend off then too. All 5 girls are excited about being in the wedding and begging to wear makeup. You know I have to put some glitter on them, they have to match my hair!

Oh my gosh, I nearly forgot to tell you...I got rude with a lady at Blueberry Fest! I know, sweet Melissa is never rude. Well, I was. Here is the story. I took Tobey Jude with his leash to look at a booth. He of course had his leash on and was majorly stemming because of the insane crowd. So this lady looks at her daughter ( I am assuming) and said " There must be something really wrong with that boy". Talking about my Tobey Jude....really. So I looked at her and I said well he is Autistic and Non-verbal but, he is probably still smarter than you! My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my freaking chest! She apologized to me, not him...(pick your battles here) and went on to look at some religious calendars, nice. Maybe me saying that to that stupid lady is why Tobey said he loves me.....

Well, I will see you later...I have to prepare my heart for Melody becoming a kid. Have a great one.

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