Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fact- Plymouth also smells like tomato sauce.....

No joke here people, there is always some odd food smell in Plymouth. It has never smelled like chocolate which is very unfortunate.

So, we are adjusting pretty good to a new town. The kids schools although there are many of them are all fantastic. I had 2 IEP's yesterday and I was very impressed with all that they are already doing with the kids. Almost all of the kids have made friends (Tobey and Edwin have a harder time) and we have really settled into a good routine.

I have decided to just work part-time with one job for a while, I think it is for the best because Eddie will be going to school in the spring for Engineering if we have no catastrophic things happen in our lives....that is the plan. So, I will hold down the home front and be the supportive wife. I plan on staying busy with Church stuff and getting involved in the kids school as much as I can. I like Tobey's school the best, they just seem to get me.

Next weekend is Blueberry Fest and because of my location from what I have heard we must plan like it is the Apocalypse. I am trying to make sure that we are settled in and have everything we need for 4 days, it is not easy to stock pile soda when you and your entire family are seriously addicted to it. We have company coming also, so I think we are going to have a fun weekend with our friends.

Eddie's little sister is getting married the week after and all 5 girls are in the ceremony and Eddie will be an Usher (not the singer!), my main job will be to prevent Edwin from trying to kill her as she is walking down the aisle and to keep Tobey from running around. I am also making food and some crafty stuff so we will be busy that weekend too.

After that though I am delving right into everything Fall because I LOVE it! I have already made a turkey dinner at the new house and I have the apple cinnamon air freshener in the car! I am ready!!!! I am so ready to see pumpkins and the crunch of the leaves and the Halloween candy which is always the best tasting out of all the holiday candies! I am trying to plan a train trip for the kids but we will have to see if we have time. We have a Precious Stones party and school stuff and a Autism walk, and the list goes on.

So, here is some self reflection...(very random post, be honest this is how my brain works) I found out with the move and having no Internet, cable, home phone and 1 part-time job that a secluded Melissa is not a happy Melissa. When the highlight of my day is getting a key chain there is something very wrong. And even though the key chain is nice, I have to be busy. Me sitting at home looking at a clock brings out a bad side of me. I am so much more in my element in the busy life of South Bend, not the slowness of Plymouth. So, I am going to just have to double the gas budget.

Speaking of gas I got gas the other day for $3.09! Jealous?! I was so giddy that after waiting for 15 minutes I realized when I got to the pump that the tank is on the drivers another 15 minutes of waiting after I made a fool of myself I got the "cheap" gas! Again, that should not have been the highlight to my day.....

This is a long post....sorry. Last week we our dear friends Aaron and Jenni came to our Church and we went out for lunch. We had such a great time with them. Every time we hang out with them we just love them more and more. But man, you should have seen the looks Old Country Buffet with 8 kids and 4 adults. I had my crazy hair colors and Jenni looking so sweet and innocent in her hair pulled so perfectly in a bun. It was a sight. You know what is so awesome though, we are friends because we all serve the same God and how cool is that? Here is a little fact about Old Country Buffet in South Bend, it is practically a fashion show there. We were actually getting to the point where it was hard to keep a straight face. There was some interesting outfits there to say the least. After we finished, Aaron and Jenni loaded up my car with things from their garden and this awesome potato dish and 2 chocolate cakes! Which had zucchini in them and Edwin ate them! Shock! So, thank you Aaron and Jenni for keeping Olivia and Emily for the night and for being our friends.

Ok, here is the last paragraph in the never ending blog. And it is a Tobey Jude we go. After the IEP meeting for Tobey I asked if I could go see Tobey and give him kisses. They acted like I was nuts but in South Bend you were not always allowed to jump back to the classroom and see your kids, going on... So he was on his way back from gym (he is in gym, how cute is that?) and he seen me and grabbed my hand and took me right to his classroom. Before we walked in the door, I gave him kisses and hugs and was going to walk in the room with him and he slammed the door on me! What the heck? At first I was in shock! I mean really Tobey I nearly died having you, I write a blog on you, you are the world to me and you slammed the door on me? Arghh! So, after I regained my composure, smiled to the teacher even though Tobey had just stuck a knife in my soul and walked head down out to the car. Am I happy that he is loving his school? Of course. I am happy that he is getting a life without me? Uhmmm no. That should just not be allowed.

So, I will see you guys later. Bye!

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