Friday, September 30, 2011

Hey, wassup? Me? I'm kinda random again.....

So, we are still alive here. Yes, we have been busy and that is one of the reasons I haven't blogged, and yes my computer broke and that is yet another reason...but to be very honest I have simply been stressed out to the extreme. And to get on here and say that Lena has an attitude still and that Tobey said "cookie" seems to be not that important. I don't want to leave anyone hanging, but we don't have enough information on the stressor to share, so I will go on with the things that just don't feel quite as important.

(Putting myself in a good frame of mind by thinking about chocolate)..... I do so love chocolate! The schools are still excellent, I am impressed daily by how they educate my kids. Even Tobey is learning beyond what I thought he could in this amount of time is simply amazing.

So, here for your reading pleasure is the kid update....

Miss Melody is doing great in school and her favorite thing she has? A kitten that we found in our engine. Yes, we got a kitten and she is named Butterscotch...adorable and fun and Eddie has been caught petting it. She is going for more screening in November on the Autism front, at this point I would think I could do the testing myself.

Emily or a.k.a. Cocoa is doing great and making so many friends. She is so cute at school and the littlest one in her class, she may also be the smartest....just saying. We have started doing cooking together on Monday nights....this Monday we are making lasagna, salad and bread sticks. She is giddy about it.

Tobey Jude, Eddie just called me and told me that his school picture came out badly. Which is crazy because he is very photogenic. Eddie said that he looked stoned, to be honest he is so medicated I am not sure how we ever get a good picture.

Olivia is driving me crazy...maybe it's the age. Anyway, she is very anal about times and how everything should be done by the letter. And when I am stressed out, I am quite honestly a dingbat (bring it spellcheck!). So, we are not best friends right now. According to Oprah (why do I listen to people who don't have kids) we are not supposed to be best friends, so maybe I don't have to cry myself to sleep?

Edwin, as you know he has a thing with shooting people. I am slightly worried that I may end up as one of those parents on Dateline saying " He is my son and I will support him no matter what." So, we are now going to start seeing a Psychiatrist and doing an intense speech therapy to teach him the right words. That will bring my weekly appointment total to 964....just seems that way.

Alison, She is turning 13 in 23 days. That my friends is scary.... I mean really, she was born like 2 years ago, or maybe it just seems that way. All she wants is a MP3 player, that I can handle. I may let her have a sleepover, you know because I don't have enough kids at my house.

And Lena, not a whole lot going on with her. She has a robots class that she is loving and doing very well in. She may even get on honor roll this semester. I love to see her excited to go to school, it has been a while since we seen that.

Husband Eddie has some new projects in the works, so he is a happy man right now. He is throwing around getting a part time job to help out with the holidays and so I will enjoy what time I have with the guy.

On my last blog, 2 years ago I put on their we were going to the pumpkin farm next weekend. Unfortunately I didn't have my calendar (which you need to look at Eddie) and I will be in Chicago for a kid conference with my Church friends.

Speaking of Church I need to say something about my Pastor, we have not had the best of weeks and I am so blessed to have someone like him in our family. To feel alone in something and to have someone say the simple word of "we" gave me the feeling that we are not alone in this. So, here is my thank you note to Sam, thank you for always being that welcoming listener when I am panicked and crying. Thank you for understanding Eddie, even though I am starting to think that you encourage some of his behavior now, just sayin'. Thank you for everything you have done in our lives, sharing your family and bringing us to God. We are better people for knowing you.

So, I think that is all I have for today. Talk at you later.

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