Friday, September 9, 2011

Hello...It's a random kind of day.

First off I want to respond to Alyssa who asked for a picture of William. If you google William Wells Warsaw, his obit will pop up under the Union Times paper. I lost all pictures of him in the house fire, so I help that helps.

I am not sure how to segway off of that one, sorry.

This weekend we have Abby's wedding, the girls are getting nervous. Eddie is at rehearsal with them while I am writing this...I hope everything is going well.

Plymouth is growing on me. I really didn't think it would. The schools which are so great to deal with (all 6 of them) have done everything in their power to help us out. I am starting to feel like a celebrity there. Every time I call them or walk in I am greeted with "Oh, you are the Mom with 7 kids, right?". If they thought that standing on their head would help, they would. I have no complaints about these amazing schools.

And then there are other things like you can drive across the whole town in less than 10 minutes, and not a whole lot of lights. I also love being 7 minutes away from our Pediatrician.

Now with that being said. I get giddy when I am know that I am going to go to South Bend, and I love having what I think of as my "South Bend life", which is Church, my friends, work and just all around fast paced chaos. It seems like a good balance, and I am doing ok with it. I know that we needed to slow down a little bit, Plymouth just forces it on me now.

We have set a date for the Worlds amazing Pumpkin farm! October 8th.... So, if you want to go with us, just Facebook me and I will get together with you. It is all the way in Merrillville, but well worth the trip.

So, now I will leave you with an Edwin story. I have started doing incentive charts for each kid to work on a goal. Lena has to work on attitude, Alison needs to get get the point. So, if all 7 kids fill up their chart we are going to go to Chuck E. Cheese, except Lena who wants to go to my hairstylist. So, Edwin has to behave in school, and if he does we worked out an arrangement with the teacher that she will put a star on his daily chart. (By the way, his teacher gives me a schedule of everything he does and then a sheet that records if he is in a good mood for that particular thing). So, Edwin gets off the bus and here is our conversation....

Me- Hey Buddy, how was school?
Edwin- I'm so sorry Mom.
Me- That good, huh Edwin.
Edwin- Yeah...I am not awesome today.
---I then check his bag and find all the paperwork and low and behold there is a star! I bring him over, high five him and say...
Me- Edwin, you are awesome today, you get a sticker for your chart!
Edwin- Oh wow! I am not sorry Mother.....

The boy cracks me up. Love him!

Well, that is all I have for today, I will see you on the flip side. What the heck does that even mean? Anyway....

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