Friday, October 14, 2011

Hey there!

Whoa, I have been busy with what seems like a thousand school activities, Chicago and raising 7 kids. It has been busy, but a good busy....I love being busy.

So, first off one of the joys of having 6 different schools is you get to go to 6 different fall activities for them, and that is insane. I LOVE fall but do we really need to have this many harvest parties, fall fests, monster mashes or no joke...there is a Hallelujah night coming up. And then as if I haven't had enough, I am the baker out of the group (gets me out of working the booths!) so I will be covered in frosting and sprinkles for 2 weeks straight. Now lets mix in parent teacher conferences (which I have to bake for) and there you have it my schedule for the next 2 weeks! And then Thanksgiving comes, and I already see 4 schools are doing something!

I went to Chicago last weekend for a conference. I knew I was going to learn something, I had no idea how much it would renew my faith. I loved and I love the ladies that I went with. And I found out that there is an actual job that would combine 2 things I love, disabilities and God. I may just consider going into Disability Ministries down the road. One thing that got me thinking was when the speaker said that just because you are special needs does not mean that you have a free pass to get into Heaven, that is deep and I had never thought about it that way. So, I decided to try an experiment in my home. And here is how it went.

I am going to be very honest, we are not perfect Christians. I know, you are probably shocked. People see us at Church and the kids are looking cute, every now and then coordinated. Eddie and I serve in Kids Kanyon (which we love), Eddie writes amazing skits and we have lots of Church friends. Eddie, Lena and I are baptized and we have our bumper sticker on the back of the Durango. But, none of that makes us "perfect" Christians. We are not great about praying as a family, or reading the Bible and my kids listen to the Beastie Boys and a lot of old school rap. On the way to Church we are usually screaming at our kids, and Eddie and I tend to have our worst fights on our way to worship the Lord. So, here is how we are working on it.

The Beastie Boys are gone and have been replaced with a CD of a group that I heard at the Conference. Edwin is actually singing along and he is asking about Jesus!!! I will wait here for a minute while you pick yourself off of the floor. We have been reading Bible stories with Olivia every night and the other kids are joining in, it has actually become our favorite time of night. I had a real conversation with Emily about God and she GOT it. I think sometimes when you go to Church you also think that you get a free pass, and you don't. So, we are going to take baby steps every week and I just can't wait to see what God has planned for our family.

Ok, now that I am done preaching, onto other things. I am sorry about the lack of blogging lately. The computer did not handle the move and we have to get another one, I have only been able to blog when I am at work. Secondly (is that a word?) our baby Melody may have some serious health issues (not Autism) and the prognosis is not so great. Soon, we will head down a road of testing and in a club that I never thought I would be in. I hate being vague but I don't want to put a label on it until we are 100% on it. But we would appreciate prayers for her.

So, that is all today. Thanks for hanging in with me even though I have not been blogging regularly! See you later!

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