Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just hold on....

I thought about calling this blog Chchchchanges, you know that stupid song by David Bowie. I am a fan of David...but after watching one particularly annoying episode of Seventh Heaven, I am ruined forever. And now I have wrote about it so many times, I can NOT get it out of my head. I will now switch to a Beatles song (much better).

We have had so much going on I have no idea where to really start. So, I will start with the Edwin. His pain is so bad and my heart just breaks for him. He has an appointment with a pediatrician next week (again) but they are going to try and fit him in tomorrow. He actually told me yesterday that he hated life because he is in so much pain, and he just cried. The pain meds I am giving him on;y help for about 2 hours....HATE this. He goes to the Psychiatrist next Wednesday, so hopefully we can get some help on the mental issues. And the Psychologist has got a great plan in place to help also, so I feel like we are on the right track as far as mentally.

And the Tobey Jude, he obviously did not get the memo about us being busy with he  also been a handful! They started him on ADHD meds 2 days ago and the boy has had some strange moments! He did however have an excellent OT today and had quite a few ladies checking him out today in his new shirt.

And on to other non-Autism news....I am one of those stay at home Mom's now! Bring on the soap operas and bon-bons!!!!! I really have no idea why they say I stay at home, because the kids now are deciding how many more things they can sign up for! Ok, now here is the shocker...I am not made to be a stay at home Mom, I have to be busy or else I will sit in a chair and feel sorry for myself. I am honored that we had a change in our finances that I am able to be home, and I have a husband that works very hard for our family. But the stress of the boys and then 5 girls who want my attention was getting to be too much. I do think that if the right job comes along and it is flexible I will probably be really close to losing my mind this fall.

One thing that I am going to do is start studying Disability Ministries. I found out that this amazing job existed last October and it seemed like a no-brainer. It is two things that I am passionate faith and special needs! It is the perfect job! I was offered this position at a Church here in Plymouth when we first moved here.....but I LOVE my Church so I had to turn it down. So for the time being I am going to study it and start working on revamping how disabled people can be incorporated into the Church! I can't wait for the stuff to arrive!!!!!!!

So, here is the update on the other kids.....

Melody is still cute, she is getting to be quite the character and referred to one of her Preschool teachers as the one with the ta-ta's! I would like to point out that this what a Lutheran Preschool....

Emily has become very popular in her class. I knew she had a lot of friends, I did NOT know how many were boys. She had a birthday party to go to last Sunday and one of the boys would carry the ball up to her every time she bowled! And then on Tuesday she introduced me to another boy who asked if she would hold his cute. And then yesterday 2 little guys rode their bike in front of our house and they stopped to talk to her, and then made a comment that they were going to come by again! Really? Because Daddy is not happy about this.

Olivia is doing well with Volleyball and I think she has won every game so far! She has always been pretty good at sports, thank you Boys and Girls Club because they have made it so easy for her to be in Volleyball.

Alison, well...she's Alison. She pretty much just draws comics and keeps showing me how many pencils she finds. I think she may be a janitor when she grows up at this point. Of course that is until her comic book career takes off.

Lena has been livable this week....maybe I am just so tired from the boy's that I don't notice all the eye rolls and sighs of disgust (that is it I am sure). Any way, we are making plans to see the new Johnny Depp movie in a few weeks because we both find him so dreamy. On a side note, I am starting to wonder why that man doesn't age.....little creepy.

Alrighty then, I think that is it for the kids! The hubby is doing well, and he is getting ready to go to 3rd shift to take some of the appointments off of me....WooHoo! Our marriage therapist must see some improvement because we are now every other week. Holla!! Or...he has no idea how to fix Eddie and he just wants to make sure that I am not getting close to killing the man. Just kidding, honey....

My brain is fried so that is all for today! Holstein out!

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