Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter....

I am currently full from Easter Dinner and also wounded from Easter Well let me tell you, usually for Easter I cheat and buy those hams that are spiraled and include that wonderful glaze that all you have to do is mix with water. Well this year I bought a ham (huge one) that did not include that handy little that left it up to me to make my own. I mixed honey, butter and brown sugar with some spices and made a delicious glaze....which became hard as a rock before I could glaze the ham. So I heated it back up and some landed on my fingers, and I had to leave the rest of the cooking and serving to my dear hubby. While I literally was sick to my stomach from the pain. I did manage to eat dinner with one hand, Eddie had to open the Coke though.

We had a nice Easter, I didn't coordinate the kids, and it honestly drove me nuts. I let the kids wear whatever they wanted and we looked like a freaking circus....I didn't like it one bit. Edwin had on a penguin shirt, Emily wore her boots with a dress, next year back to coordinating because it just didn't feel right...weird.

We had both sides of our families over, which is very rare. The kids had their Easter Egg hunt and then they made a bunny craft. The highlight was the confetti eggs that Eddie busted over the kids heads! That was so fun, and may I add OUTSIDE!!!

Church was awesome as usual, we are doing this Zombie theme...and guess who the Zombie is? It's Eddie! I couldn't say anything until today, but that was so much fun to tape and I got the honor of turning Eddie into a Zombie! I will have to see if I can post it on here.... There is nothing in the world like worshipping with your chosen family!

And now onto deep moments with Melissa...... This is probably not going to be as eloquent as our Pastor would say, or as memorable as the Easter Charlie Brown special, but here I go. I am amazed what our God has done. When I see one of my kids get hurt, like a skinned knee or even a scratch it kills me. I want to take their pain for them, my heart feels heavy and my breathing gets shorter ( I probably need to fill that prescription for anxiety drugs) but I can NOT imagine what it would be like to see my Son suffer, and I would be too selfish to let him suffer for anyone else. But God, did that for us so that we can live forever with Him and have an amazing life now. In 2008, I was one of the Walking Dead and now? Whoa, what a ride and for that God I thank you...... Happy Easter, friends.

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