Thursday, April 12, 2012

A day in the life.....

I thought that I may take you on a little tour of my life as Mom to the Amazing 7! So here we go, and this may help give some insight as to why you have to repeat things to me while I give you a blank stare as you repeat yourself for the 100th time.

I awoke to the husband telling me it was 6:15...I don't want to believe him, I try to ignore use! I then start waking the boys, Tobey after 5 minutes of cuddling and tickling wakes up in a great mood (he is the only one out of the 7) and then I make Edwin get up. He will then explain to me how he is allergic to everything under the sun and then inform me of how many days he has left of school, how many days until Saturday and that he will not eat breakfast at home. I get the Tobey dressed and then start medicating the boys. Next, while Edwin is yelling at everything I wake up Lena, she is not a morning person! She usually mumbles about not wanting to go to school and letting me know of every ache and pain she can think of. I then grab a Coke and inform Lena to get dressed (wondering why I still have to tell her). Next is Olivia (the worst of the group) and Emily and Melody. While they are getting dressed and finding their freaking shoes, I take the Edwin to the bus (Tobey has therapy on Thursday). After Edwin gets on the bus it is time for Lena to get to her bus and then Alison to start walking. And then I load up Olivia, Emily, Melody and the Tobey Jude in the "Payment" and take Olivia and Emily to school.

After I have dealt with the mass of traffic at Jefferson, and Emily holding up the traffic because she is the slowest child on Earth I take Tobey and Melody to the gas station and notice that not only has Tobey pooped but is now in need of clean pants AND socks...back home! Get home and change Tobey and then off to therapy. AS soon as I get to the hospital I notice that smell again and then change a 7 year old kid in the car, put on his harness and finally get to therapy! Tobey goes to OT and Melody goes to ST. I head down to the cafeteria for Coke number 2.

After therapy I drop off Tobey at his School and he is crying and I feel like crap, because come to find out he cries every time I leave him there, and then off to Edwin's School to take him to a Dr. appointment. At the appointment we decided to change his meds (Lord, help me) because of some crazy side effects and discuss the Psychologist appointment that he had the day before. We also decide that he needs both a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist...more appointments, yippee!

Then back home to feed the kids, grab a Coke and head to Alicks Home Medical where Edwin and Melody want top try out every single lift chair! After loading 80 pounds of stuff into my car that has no is time to pick up Emily and Olivia. It was then I noticed that Edwin does not have a badge or his glasses to the Boys and Girls Club. Back home!! Then I finally get to the School and picked up the girls! I break up 2 fights (Edwin and Melody) and make the mad dash to drop off Edwin and Olivia at the club before Tobey's bus gets to our house! Made it just in time, got the Tobey and helped the kids with homework.

Next? Do some housework and get Melody ready for Kindergarten Round Up. I miraculously find all the paperwork, get her registered, sit through a meeting and fill out a bunch of forms.

Then it is time to pick up the kids from the Club, head home and make dinner. Eddie gets home in time to help and now it is 10 pm and I don't think I accomplished a single thing I wanted to do at home!

There is always tomorrow!

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