Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Here is our update.....

Not a very clever title I am sorry to admit. So, 2 out of the 3 ideal houses are a no....Today we find out about the 3rd. We were told that we were not a good fit, in other words we are too big of a family. Today we will find out about the 3rd house, if it is a no we are going to have to move out of South Bend which kills me. I know South Bend has it's crime and school issues but I LOVE it here. My family (church family) is here, my best friends are here, My Living Stones is here, our jobs are here. Even though it has not been all rainbows and unicorns I am my happiest here, I am myself here.

We have out every effort into staying here, but I will not move to a bad area. We have called over a hundred places, and on Craigs list more that Facebook (hard to believe, I know).

Eddie's parents called yesterday about a house that is 3 blocks from them in Lapaz (not to far). The bright side to the house is it is still standing and within a half hour of South Bend. The downside though....I don't get along with my in-laws, I don't like the person I am when I am with them, it has no appliances,, it has no fence, it has lead, and I have no idea if the schools can handle all of the Autism I would bring and I certainly do not know if they can handle a kid like Tobey Jude. But, at this point I feel like it is either this or being homeless which does not sound like fun either. Maybe, it won't be as bad as I am thinking.

I don't know what happened but the Portage people apologized to us yesterday, they felt bad about how they talked to Lena...there will be no court involved and we have a little bit of time to move now. They did promise no more harassing. Even with the kindness they are showing I am still not giving them a glowing review to the 5-8 people that come to the house everyday to look at the house.

So on a lighter note ( I sound like the Today show). The kids have been cracking us up. Edwin is now on this whole wish thing. He has to earn wishes from us, and when he makes the wish another family member has to say "wish" or it won't come true. The other day though it backfired on him though when he was behaving like a buffoon and we had to take away the wishes. Here is the conversation....

Eddie- Edwin stop (yelling, cussing, killing your sister...take your pick, I don't remember) or I will take your wishes!

Edwin - Come on!!!!! Don't take my wishes! (expletives inserted here)!!!!!

Eddie- Ok, that's it I wish that Edwin will lose all of his wishes!!!!

Edwin- WISH!!!!!! Oh crap! (Edwin wished away his own wishes, as is the rule of our house) I was laughing so hard!

Tobey Jude has started a new dance in the car and the boy looks insane doing it! The first time I saw it I was a little concerned that it may be the start to a seizure, it's not the boy is a dancer. I felt like I was old not knowing this new dance that all of the young whipper snappers are doing!

Well, I think that is all today! If you are a praying person (if you aren't why not?) please pray that we get good news on the 3rd house, we need this house!!!!! Have a great day and I will let you know asap with the news.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and on my knees! I want your family in South Bend! God has the perfect place for you and He is on top of it. No worries! DOn't accept the crap....He wants perfect for you! Love you friend and all of your positiveness!
